How interferons switch from pro-inflammatory to immunosuppressive programs that facilitate cancer growth has remained enigmatic. Lukhele etal. establish that the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 2 attenuates and redirects interferon signaling to program CD8+Tcell exhaustion to avert tumor ...
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Pham-Ledard A, Prochazkova-Carlotti M, Laharanne E, et al. IRF4 gene rearrangements define a subgroup of CD30-positive cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: a study of 54 cases. J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130:816-825.Pham-Ledard A, Prochazkova-Carlotti M, Laharanne E, Vergier B, Jouary T, ...
RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search This document does not have an outline. Article outline is loading... ADVERTISEMENT International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geome...