Action.4WORLD ENERGYTRANSITIONS OUTLOOK 2024As leaders meet for COP29 in Baku,IRENAs World Energy Transition Outlook demonstrates that the global energy transition remains off course,undermining our ability to meet the 1.5C climate goal agreed at COP21 in Paris almost a decade ago.It is not too...
Theworldisatacrossroads.IRENA’sWorldEnergyTransitionsOutlook2023hasidentifiedthatglobal energy-relatedcarbondioxide(CO)emissionsneedtofallto23gigatonnesofCO(GtCO)by2030 2 2 2 (IRENA,2023a).Yetthoseemissionsrosetoarecordhighof37.4GtCOin2023(IEA,2024).Despite 2 progressinthegrowthofrenewableenergydeployment,...
IRENA_World_energy_transitions_outlook_2023 近年来,全球气候紧急情况的规模越来越明显,全球范围内发生了与气候变化相关的创纪录的高温和极端天气事件。 这十年在减少温室气体排放方面取得的成功将决定全球气温上升能否根据《巴黎协定》的目标,将本世纪将全球变暖限制在工业化前水平的1.5°C以内。IRENA在《世界能源转型展...
Energy Agency,Abu Dhabi, 10 May 2021).IREN 176、A(2023a),World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023:1.5C Pathway,International Renewable Energy Agency,Abu Dhabi,
WORLD ENERGY TRANSITIONS OUTLOOK 2023 1.5° C PATHWAY VOLUME 1 © IRENA 2023 Unless otherwise stated, material in this publication may be freely used, shared, copied, reproduced, printed and/or stored, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given of IRENA as the source and copyright holder...
IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera welcomed the recognition of IRENA’s new custodian role: “I confirm the unwavering commitment by IRENA to the successful implementation of the historic UAE Consensus. Given the centrality of the Agency’s World Energy Transitions ...
WORLD ENERGYTRANSITIONSOUTLOOK 20231.5°C PATHWAYVOLUME 1 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 18 p. 2024年12月新能源汽车三电系统洞察报告 46 p. 中国走出去:跨越千年商道 128 p. 机器智能体的混合认知模型 96 p. 创新报告2024-博鳌亚洲论坛 67 p. 2025年技术愿景 72 p. 2024运营商实践 86 ...
It complements and builds upon the broader discussions on the energy transition in other recent IRENA reports, including the World Energy Transitions Outlook (IRENA, 2021a) and Reaching Zero with Renewables (IRENA, 2020). The paper summa 载入中...手动刷新 1/108页 载入中...手动刷新 2/108页...
The report, which draws extensively on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5 °C pathway, divides the key enablers into five sections, covering: Infrastructure and system operation:power grids, energy storage, end-use ele...
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has released its Renewable Capacity Statistics 2024 report. The report provides an overview of the current state of renewable energy capacity worldwide, including data on solar, wind, hydropower, and other forms of renewable energy. The report also ...