IRENA在《世界能源转型展望》中提出的1.5°C情景为到2050年实现1.5°C目标提供了途径,将电气化和效率定位为关键的转型驱动力,由可再生能源、清洁氢能和可持续生物质能实现。 《2023年展望》第一卷通过跟踪所有能源部门的实施情况和差距,概述了进展情况,并根据现有技术确定了优先领域和行动,这些技术必须在2030年之前实现...
IRENA-2023年世界能源转型展望:1.5°C路径(英) 星级: 7页 2023年世界能源转型展望概览:1.5°C路径IRENA_WETO_Preview_2023 星级: 24 页 世界能源转型展望2022—1.5℃路径World Energy Transitions Outlook 1.5°C Pathway(英) 星级: 351 页 世界能源转型展望2021IRENA_World_Energy_Transitions_Outlook_2021 ...
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA)World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023, the most realistic way to course correct the 1.5°C Pathway is by tripling renewable energy and the doubling of energy efficiency by 2030. Green hydrogen has an important role to play in helping...
WORLD ENERGY TRANSITIONS OUTLOOK 2023 1.5° C PATHWAY VOLUME 1 © IRENA 2023 Unless otherwise stated, material in this publication may be freely used, shared, copied, reproduced, printed and/or stored, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given of IRENA as the source and copyright holder...
energyABBREVIATIONSWORLD ENERGYTRANSITIONS OUTLOOK 2024CUTIVE SUMMARY13CUTIVE SUMMARYWhile 2023 saw record growth in renewables deployment in the power sector,progress has been geographically uneven,and lacklustre for other sectors and alternative energy carriers.To meet the 1.5C climate target,the world ...
A rapid acceleration of the global energy transition is essential to meet both the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. To this end, according to IRENA’s 2023 World energy transitions outlook, USD 150 trillion in cumulative investments will be needed by...
Theworldisatacrossroads.IRENA’sWorldEnergyTransitionsOutlook2023hasidentifiedthatglobal energy-relatedcarbondioxide(CO)emissionsneedtofallto23gigatonnesofCO(GtCO)by2030 2 2 2 (IRENA,2023a).Yetthoseemissionsrosetoarecordhighof37.4GtCOin2023(IEA,2024).Despite 2 progressinthegrowthofrenewableenergydeployment,...
The report, which draws extensively on the analysis presented in IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5 °C pathway, divides the key enablers into five sections, covering: Infrastructure and system operation: power grids, energy storage, end-use ...
Hydrogenasaflexibleenergyvectorandfeedstockforemissionreductionsinend-usesectors Tobecompliantwiththe2015ParisAgreement,IRENA’sWorldEnergyTransitionsOutlook2023:1.5°CPathwayclearlyidentifiesthattwo-thirdsoftherequiredcarbondioxide(CO2)emissionreductionsinanet-zeroscenariocanbeachievedthroughanincreasedsupplyofrenewableenergy...
1 IRENA (2023), World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C Pathway, Volume 1, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi. / Publications/2023/Jun/World-Energy-Transitions-Outlook-2023 2 /Publications/2023/ 4 IRENA (2023), Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2022, Jul/Renewable-energy-...