anot in transit to another country (except for Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands)for a general, child or business visitor visa. 不在运输到另一个国家 (除了爱尔兰,人小岛或Channel岛)为将军、儿童或者企业访客签证。[translate]...
爱尔兰共和国(爱尔兰语:Poblacht na hireann;英语:Republic of Ireland),简称“爱尔兰”(Ireland),是一个西欧的议会共和制国家,西临大西洋,东靠爱尔兰海,与英国隔海相望,是北美通向欧洲的通道,爱尔兰自然环境保持得相当好,素有“翡翠岛国”之称,全国绿树成荫,河流纵横。草地遍布,所以又有“绿岛”和“绿宝石”之...
Europe - the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles 2. Ireland - an island comprising the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Emerald Isle, Hibernia battle of Boyne, Boyne - a ...
Republic of Ireland (redirected fromRep. of Ireland) Thesaurus Republic of Ireland n (Placename) SeeIreland12 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The Australian Celtic Festival is an annual event that celebrates the Celtic nations. Brittany (Breizh), Cornwall (Kernow), Ireland (Éire), Isle of Man (Mannin), Scotland (Alba) and Wales (Cymru) feature strongly in the Festival. There is also a recog
Justices of the Peace are to be found in all parts of the United Kingdom, the system having been extended on the English pattern at various stages in our history, but it was only in England and Wales that they flourished continuously to the present day; elsewhere much of their court work...
On the Ancient Sculptured Stones of Scotland, Ireland, and the ISLE of Mandoi:10.1080/00681288.1859.11887058GilbertJ.FrenchInformaworldJournal of the British Archaeological Association First
Emerald Isle Hibernia Ireland capital of Ireland Dublin Irish capital Cork Galway Limerick Tara Waterford Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or...
学成归国后又赴曼岛(Isle of Man)录制最后一批以Manx为母语者的讲说,并最终在自己的故乡利默里克(Limerick)开始了终生的爱尔兰民俗学研究。在这个时期,西欧的印欧比较语言学与民俗学发展兴盛。Michael Herzfeld 认为这个时期民俗学家的工作指向了此后的民族主义浪潮,与真正意义上的人类学工作有微妙而显著的差别;而在于...
11、n the middle period of 2000 BC Celtic Nations Scotland Ireland Isle of Man Wales Cornwall BrittanyCeltic NationsCeltic Clothing A kilt苏格兰短裙(plaid格子 skirt) is not an everyday purchaseCeltic MusicCeltic Dance Theatrical show Traditional Irish stepdancing The story of the Irish culture The ...