第1️⃣步:注册账号🔸登陆IRCC加拿大官网,设置用户名-密码-密保问题,写完一定要记下来🔸Sign in需要邮件验证码,选My application-验证密保问题-登陆选“Apply to come to Canada”下面的——Visitor visa,study and/or word permit,就可开始申请签证-第2️⃣步:填写问卷,上传材料以及缴费(必须都以PDF格...
We simplify the tourist visa application process, guiding you through the necessary steps with clarity and ease. Personalized Travel Plans Quick Turnaround Expert Consultation Business Visa Services: Navigate Global Opportunities with Confidence For the enterprising individuals seeking new business horizons, ...
登录页面以后选择“Apply to visit, study or work in Canada as A temporary resident” 2. 团组申请及命名:比如给父母申请,可以命名为Parents' super visa application 3. 通过“add member”添加团组成员,通过每位成员后面的continue继续每一个人的申请 4. 选择“super visa超级签证”,下一步 5. 总结的页面:...
📋 Review what happens after you apply for a visitor visa. Once we approve you for temporary residence in Canada, you'll get a Visitor Visa. Your document details will be listed below. 📋 Visitor Visa Document number: EJ Expiry date: ,2028 Travel document number: Issuing country: China ...
Certain travellers who submitted their visitor visa application before September 7 are being asked to reapply. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recently updated instructions on its webpage. The department is asking people who still want to travel to Canada to...
IRCC notes that approximately 15% of temporary resident visa (visitor visa) applications and 71% of work permits applications in inventory are from the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). IRCC received 1,191,619 applications through CUAET before the program s...
Application number: F000601xxx UCI: 92220xxx IRCC is contacting you regarding your expired Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CoPR) and Permanent Resident Visa (PRV) (unless you have an eTA) and those of your accompanying dependent family members.Do not attempt to travel without written authorisat...
The Greece Golden Visa Program will be expanded at the beginning of the upcoming year. Romania and Bulgaria will join the Schengen Member States from January 01, 2025. The EU will set the Entry/Exit System and European Travel Information Authorisation System in 2025. *Willing to work abroad?
CAIPS or Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System was the electronic data processing system that Canadian immigration offices outside of Canada used to process your visa application. CAIPS is now replaced by the Global Case Management System (GCMS) electronic data processing system which CIC (...
"IRCC works closely with the Canada Border Services Agency and event organizers to ensure the application process and immigration and entry requirements are understood, so that visa applications are processed in a timely manner and admission for participants can go smoothly,"...