进入Get an IRCC Portal account,输入邮箱地址,获取邀请码 2. 获得邀请码后,我们进入注册 IRCC Portal的页面IRCC Portal 3. 按照步骤提交成功以后就可以有邮箱和密码登录了。 二、超级签证Portal 申请演示图 (一) Purpose 目的 登录页面以后选择“Apply to visit, study or work in Canada as A temporary reside...
这些签证类型包括但不限于:旅游签证(Temporary Resident Visa, TRV)、学生签证(Study Permit)、工作签证(Work Permit)、永久居民签证(Permanent Resident Visa)以及难民保护等。每种签证都有其特定的申请条件和流程,申请者需根据自己的具体情况选择合适的签证类型进行申请。 IRCC申请签证的主...
Permanent resident card Temporary residence 03 如何关联? 1. 按照步骤登录您的帐户或创建一个新帐户;具体注册登录步骤可以参考我们之前的文章 日诺咨询Raeno:GCKEY 和 IRCC Portal有什么区别?看这一篇就够了~26 赞同 · 19 评论文章 2. 在你的帐户 “View the applications you submitted”里,单击 “Add (lin...
永久居民旅行文件申加拿大枫叶卡 加拿大枫叶卡 (Permanent Resident Card) 是允许持卡人在加拿大永久居住的重要凭证,在入境加拿大时,持卡人必须向海关出示此卡以表明自己的身份。 通常来讲,枫叶卡的有效期为五年,若持卡人的身份过期,并不意味着他将失去加拿大永久居民的身份哦~ 枫叶卡即将过期怎么办? 相信很多小伙伴...
to reunite with family members in Canada, including permanent and temporary residents; to visit on business; for compassionate reasons such as attending a funeral, being present during the final moments of a loved one's life, and providing care to a critically ill person; ...
Permanent residence The most recent data shows IRCC has 631,500 permanent resident (PR) applications in inventory. Of these, 290,500, or 46%, are considered in the backlog. The total number of applications shows there are fewer PR applications in inventory than there were in May...
The new consulate is temporarily set to function with limited staff until permanent staff is recruited. This new office is aimed to help Karnataka residents, especially students and working professionals willing to apply for US visas who make up around 37% of India’s software exports to the US...
Last year, the department handled more than two million temporary resident applications alone, with customer service interactions totalling many times that number. In addition to applications for temporary entry to Canada, IRCC handles files relating to permanent residence, refugees (including...