3200 candidates are invited in the latest Express Entry draw with a cut-off score of 531. This is the first draw held in September 2023. #263 Express Entry Draw is an ‘All-program draw.’ *Know your score instantly for free through Y-Axis Canada CRS Calculator. Check your eligibility ...
*Know your score instantly for free through Y-Axis Canada CRS Calculator. Check your eligibility now! The most recent Express Entry draw held on July 11, 2023, is an all-program draw and invited 800 candidates with a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 505. The highest CRS...
Candidates in the Express Entry pool, as well as individuals thinking of creating an Express Entry profile, can use the new and improved CRS Calculator to find out what their score would be under the new points system. To find out if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada permane...
On this basis, I would encourage anybody who is thinking of entering the Express Entry pool to do so as soon as possible.” The new and improved CRS Calculator Since the changes to the Comprehensive Ranking System were announced last Thursday, November 10, many thousands of people around the...
IRCC在给CIC News的邮件中提到,移民局计划于2023年第一季度上线Express Entry快速通道的定向邀请。此前对这一政策的上线时间有多种猜测,包括2022年的7月,11月等等。目前至少可以知道2022年移民局仍然会延用既有政策进行常规的邀请。定向邀请上线后会是什么样的情况目前还未有具体政策,但通过BCPNP目前的定向邀请可见一...
CCI移民资讯分享(20230511) | 【IRCC 邀请 Express Entry 候选人参加 PNP 特定抽签】1. IRCC 举行了 2023 年第十二次快速通道抽签。2. 加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)在省提名计划 (PNP) 特定抽签中共发出了 589 份申请邀请(ITA)。3. 候选人需要至少691 分的综合排名系统(CRS) 分数。4. 这是 2023 年第...
CCI移民资讯分享(20230427) | 【IRCC 在最新的 Express Entry 抽签中再发出 3,500 份邀请】1. IRCC 举行了 2023 年第十一次快速通道抽签。2. 加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)在所有项目抽签中向候选人发出了总共 3,500 份申请邀请(ITA)。候选人需要至少483 分的综合排名系统(CRS) 分数。3. 在所有项目抽签...
1. 来自加拿大移民难民和公民部(IRCC) 的数据显示, 2022 年,省提名计划(PNP) 的候选人收到了19,160 份申请邀请(ITA)。签发的 ITA 总数为 37,315,这意味着 2022 年 51% 的 ITA 发给了 PNP 候选人。2. 如果 CRS 分数在 491-600 之间,大多数Express Entry候选人 (17,905) 在 2022 年获得 ITA。3....
Canada has invited 2,750 Express Entry candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence in a draw that took place January 10, 2018. The cut-off Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score for this draw was 446. Today’s score of 446 is the same cut-off CRS score as the previous draw...