Web Messenger IRC, but modern Use your favourite IRC client or your existing bots. We contribute back to key IRC projects to help push them forward to how todays users expect an IM platform. Learn more Avatars, shared photos, emojis
Irc client Авторы ШеметовПавел ИудиновМихаил Фичи Работаетпопротоколу irc Асинхронно Gui pyqt6 Получениеспискаканалов Подключениекканалу Отправкалю...
选择编辑器(IRC client) 你一旦用IRC接入,您必须要选择一个IRC客户端程序. 我实在无法推荐一个适应所有用户的客户端,因为每个客户端的长处和短处,能吸引一些各自的. 但是,在这里我想举出一些最流行的客户端. 如果你在Linux上使用instantmessaging,gaim对你比较适合.你可能已经可以用它来聊天和AIM,msn,yahoo Messe...
importircfrom'slate-irc'importnetfrom'net'conststream=net.connect({port:6667,host:'irc.freenode.org'})constclient=irc(stream)client.pass('pass')client.nick('tobi')client.user('tobi','Tobi Ferret')client.join('#express')client.names('#express',(err,names)=>{console.log(names)}) ...
2.10 greportBot 2.11 Hedley 2.12 segfault 2.13 Victoria 2.14 Annabott 2.15 PieBot 2.16 CyberHelix 2.17 MCO_Discord 2.18 NarwhalBot 2.19 jmrbot 3 How to connect 4 Rules 5 Why esper.net? 6 See also 7 Further reading Features The control panel IRC client Staff chat in IRC A message from a...
Bi***IRC Client的句子英语词典推荐学习词条 英汉词典常见短词用法 字谜推荐 | 笑话推荐 | 对联 | 造句 爱好旅游(打一成语) 年初一晚上打一节目名称 元宵节灯谜:元宵前后共团圆 (打一字) 老赵一走开,完全就变样 (打一食品) 茅台汾酒五粮液,生产流程一样精 (打一成语) 初秋统计,多出一半 (打一字) 意...
一旦我使用命令Openssl s_client -quiet -connect ircs.overthewire连接到服务器。 浏览0提问于2017-12-31得票数 0 1回答 Arduino接受推送警报 、、、 我正在尝试使用ESP8266设计一个硬件项目。我希望它能与云中的应用程序发送给它的事件进行交互。例如,如果我想让Arduino在DrudgeReport警报为active...how时闪烁发...
These Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client apps will keep you connected even when you're on the go.
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*** Mancs [Dev|Mancs@78-131-39-171.pool.hdsnet.hu] has quit [EOF from client] <DEVCrm> so they CAN attacj <DEVCrm> *attack <DEVCrm> and you can send commands to them <[CHAOS]Alexadar> I didnt got it: turrets will be in "on" or "off" state, or in "X% of power...