(b)Zero-ratedsupplies; (c)Saleandleaseofcommercialproperties(includingtherentaloffurnitureandfittingsandothercharges); Thiscalculatormaytake30minutestocompleteifyouhaveallthenecessaryinformationreadilyavailableandmacroswillhavetobeenabledwhen promptedinorderforthecalculatortofunction. ...
Taxable supplies refer to the supplies of goods or services (include standard-rated and zero-rated supplies) made in Singapore other than exempt supplies (e.g. sale and lease of residential properties and provision of financial services such as income from sale of shares and interest, etc)....
(a) Taxable supplies can be divided into standard-rated and zero-rated supplies. (b) Non-taxable supplies can be divided into exempt supplies and out-of-scope supplies. A distinction between the different types of supply is important because it determines whether a supply is subject to GST an...
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the supplies to be zero-rated. In the event the supplier is unable to obtain the stipulated documents, the supplier must standard-rate the supply and account for GST based on the prevailing rate. 2.2 Indirect Export An indirect export situation on the other hand, refers to instances where a...