A Sunni-Shia standoff has taken shape in Iraq following the U.S. military withdrawal. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki tried to capitalize on the U.S. departure, by his attempted arrest of Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, the country's highest-ranking Sunni official. While the Sunnis are ...
to combat the marauding Sunni extremist militants who seized broad stretches of the country this week and are threatening the wobbly Shia-led central government in Baghdad. The call to arms by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al- Sistani was the most urgent sign ...
The majority (60-65%) of Iraqi Muslims are members of the Shi'a sect, but there is a large (32-37%) Sunni population as well, made up of both Arabs and Kurds. Small communities of Christians, Jews, Bahais, Mandaeans, and Yezidis also exist. Most Kurds are Sunni Muslim but differ f...
at the height of sectarian violence in occupied Baghdad,Muqtada al-Sadr’s Shi’a militia controlled the Health Ministry and manipulated the delivery of healthcare in order to marginalise and even exclude the Sunni population. AsAmit Paleyreported: ...
In August 2014, there were still more reports of atrocities by ISIL — including a threatened genocide of Yazidis in Iraq; an attack on a Sunni mosque in Iraq on 22 Aug; and ISIL executed captured Syrian soldiers in Raqqa, Syria — as described in my tenth essay. My eleventh essay ...
Sunni –Shia relations in the Post-Saddam Era: Implications on Politics and Governance of IraqRuiz, JorgeMinteh, Binneh s
Many Iraqis welcomed the news of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's assassination, but the American airstrike has, once again, exposed the country's sectarian faultlines.Duff, Oliver
To suppress the resurgence among Snnni minority he has announced salary rise to Sunni militiamen. This would lead to demand for share in political power too. Kurds are demanding more autonomy but it is opposed by Sunnis and Shiites.
Therefore, binding of the calcium antagonist diltiazem was studied in protein solutions and in serum of healthy persons, patients with renal failure, patients with cirrhosis, patients with rheumatoid arthritis, pa...