期刊简称IRAN STUD-UK 参考译名《伊朗研究》 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), SSCI(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向ASIAN STUDIES; AREA STUDIES 亚洲研究;区域研究 Iranian Studies《伊朗研究》(季刊). Iranian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to Iranian...
TEHRAN, Jan. 06 (MNA) – Mehr News takes a look at the headlines of Iran’s Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, January 6. Ebtekar Iran finds first UK variant of COVID-19 President urges facilitation of foreign investment in Iran Riyadh, Doha restore diplomatic ties Etela’at Govt. spox...
— Naser (@persianintel2)January 14, 2020 CBS News could not independently verify the extent of the ongoing anti-government protests, and there was no mention of the demonstrations on Iran's own media outlets, which are tightly controlled by the Islamic cleric-led reg...
UKMTO also reported a suspicious approach of a small military craft towards the US-flagged RORO vessel Liberty Power in the Persian Gulf near Iran. The former flashed a green laser light towards the latter’s bridge and ordered it to turn towards Iranian waters. Per security firm Vanguard, the...
The 39-year-old was arrested after it became clear that she had run an illegal course to recruit and train people for the Persian service of the BBC, which is a major party to the "soft war" being waged by the West against Tehran, according to Iranian officials. ...
Ms Sabet, who also worked for the Persian-language television news channel headquartered in London, has revealed the Metropolitan Police instructed her to leave her UK home following the attack. She blames the attack on Mr Zeraati on the Iranian go...
highlighting ancient historical rivalries between Arab and Persian nationalism or deep-rooted Shia-Sunni sectarian divisions.3Whichever approach is adopted, two key moments in modern history are consistently recognised as critical to shape the rivalry: the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Iraq War of 200...
You can be fairly sure that most of the air defense assets and most of the attention at Al Udeid are oriented towards the Persian Gulf and Iran. They wouldn’t expect an airstrike from the secure Saudi Arabian airspace behind them. Even though the Saudis wanted to strike Qatar weeks ago...
Thanks to the UK-based Persian language TV channel Manoto — who interviewed Sokhanvari when “Rebel Rebel” was on — many Iranians now know that they have been. Although Sokhanvari doesn’t want to name names for fear of endangering them, she says that a number of her subjects contacted...
Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK, Iran & Iranian Art & Civilisation & Archaeology & Anthropolgy & Society& Race& History & Culture , Iranian Tehran Persian Iranian History web site, news culture, music archaeological news ...