In 1722, the young and ambitious Afghan ruler of Kandahar, Mahmud, having built up an army of 20,000 men invaded Iran, and besieged the capital Esfahan for six months, and finally conquered it. Shah Sultan Hussain was captured and executed. The Afghan army plundered the city and carried aw...
Qabous ibn Woshmgir local Ziyarid ruler of Gorgan; the highest brick tower in the world, which rises 55m. Following the spread of Islam to Iran, social activities were largely interrupted for a short period before being resumed again heavily under the influence of the new culture. Minarets...
The Naderi Throne reawakened to its former glory in 1967, when it was selected by Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, the last ruler of the world’s most ancient monarchy, to be used on the day of his coronation in the Grand Hall of the famous Golestan Palace. Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi who as...