In addition, the VR headset sacrifices absolutely nothing when it comes to its outstanding audio experience. Offered free reign, I would go with the Oculus Quest 2 any time. Frequently Asked Questions Does iRacing support VR? Can you use Oculus Quest for iRacing?
assetto corsabeamng.driveiracingoculus quest 2 Replies: 6 Forum:VR & Head-Mounted Displays B Varjo Aero As there's not a thread about this (just the VR-3), I figured I'd start one given I just got mine on Friday. I had preordered the day they opened, got the notice it would be...
在为iRacing 选择最佳 VR 头显时,Pimax Crystal、Oculus Rift S、Valve Index、HP Reverb G2、HTC Vive Pro 2 和 Pimax Vision 8K X 都是出色的选择,可满足不同的喜好和优先级。 选择适合您需求的 VR 头显,提升您的 iRacing 冒险体验,并准备好感受虚拟赛道前所未有的刺激感。
比如像Quest 3这样的"主流"VR头显,提供了2K单眼分辨率,这个听上去好像不低,但是这是对平面显示而言,而在VR中,因为这些像素点要在一个大的多视场角里展开,用户感知到的清晰度就远远低于主流的平面显示器了。 尤其在赛车模拟中,玩家需要能够清楚地看到远处的细节,如赛道上的标识和远处的车辆,这些细节在低分辨率VR...