Experience the most authentic motorsport racing game on your PC – where precision meets passion. Lifelike physics, global competition and thrilling victories await. Start your virtual racing career now! Sign up and start racing! Featuring new cars, tracks, debris refresh & more → The Latest i...
Experience the most authentic motorsport racing game on your PC – where precision meets passion. Lifelike physics, global competition and thrilling victories await. Start your virtual racing career now! Sign up and start racing! Featuring new cars, tracks, debris refresh & more → The Latest i...
Ranked best racing game of all time by PC Gamer 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 注意: 如果您的 iRacing 帐户是此前直接通过 iRacing.com 购买的,则您的订阅无法通过 Steam 续订。如果您愿意,可以通过 Steam 购买新的订阅。 购买iRacing ...
Settings for DD2: Ingame Max Strength: 25nm Ingame Max Force: 4.8-6 (that is car dependent!) Wheel: FF 50-55, FOR 100Tyler Sorg Member February 2020 This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press...
FOR 100SPR 100*DPR 100*BLI User PreferenceSHO 100BRF User Preference*SPR and DPR values have no effect by default. They can be enabled through the app.ini, but this is not recommended.In-Game Settings:Wheel Range and Map Range: Automatically determined by calibration wizardUse Linear Mode: ...
The new product will be the latest under the iRacing publishing umbrella, which includes the core iRacing simulation product for PC; the World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing franchise, which has a follow-up to its critically acclaimed game releasing in September 2024; an all-new, highly antic...
iRacing -- The Next Step for NASCAR Gaming? For a while there, the future of NASCAR gaming looked grim. Earlier this year, EA Sports made the announcement that they would not be releasing a traditional console NASCAR game ... May 19, 2009 2:33pm Where...
Starting at only $15 they can fit into any holiday budget. New iRacing customers can use them to sign up for their first iRacing membership, while existing customers can renew or extend their memberships or make in-game purchases like new cars and tracks!
engineered for PC gamers. What is eye tracking and how it works? Learn more Be in the game Our technology makes your favorite games more immersive, now natural eye and head movements become an additional input layer alongside your mouse and keyboard, driving wheel or H.O.T.A.S. ...
In addition, the VR headset sacrifices absolutely nothing when it comes to its outstanding audio experience. Offered free reign, I would go with the Oculus Quest 2 any time. Frequently Asked Questions Does iRacing support VR? Can you use Oculus Quest for iRacing?