在德汇律师事务所“中国新能源企业出海专题系列”的前面四篇文章中,我们已经介绍过美国《通胀缩减法案》(Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, “IRA”)对消费端和对制造端分别采取的财税激励措施(即第30D条和第45X条税收抵免)。本文将继续...
IRA 法案大幅削弱中国电动车在美国供应链的地位,对于储能来说,FEOC 的规范不会影响到下游对于储能系统的 30% ITC 补贴,影响最多的是在干净车辆补助(Clean Vehicle Tax Credit)中对于电动车的 7,500 美元补贴,从 2024 年开始,电动车只有使用位于美国生产的电池组件可获得补贴,包含电解液、隔膜以及电芯等...
Most of Tesla’s other models—including the Model X—are eligible for the full tax incentives. The base Model 3 and Long Range variantno longer qualify for the IRA tax credits. The Tesla cars eligible for IRA’s $7,500 tax credit are listed below with their prices. Model X Dual Motor...
涉及投资税收抵免(Investment Tax Credit, ITC)、生产税收抵免 (Production Tax Credit, PTC)、清洁...
①If the company producing the battery component or mineral is headquartered or incorporated in China, or if the relevant production activities occur in China, the vehicle will not qualify for an IRA tax credit. 如果生产电池组件或矿物的公司总部或注册地在中国,或者相关的生产活动在中国进行,那么该车...
IRA出台后,一方面明确将已经在享受ITC和PTC补贴的现有项目延长年限,同时出台新的清洁电力项目投资与生产的税收补贴科目,CEITC(clean energy investment tax credit,Section 48E)和CEPTC (clean energy production tax credit, Section 45Y)。其关键是明确了10年期的税收抵免政策,这对市场释放出非常强烈的政策信号和创...
*ITC:美国太阳能投资税减免(Investment Tax Credit,简称ITC),属于企业租税的一种,是由联邦政府提出,鼓励纳税人投资再生能源发电设备的奖励性措施,其中提供给太阳能、燃料电池、小型风力发电设备的比例为30%,给地热、小型燃气涡轮发电机以及汽电共生设备的减免比例为10%。表前端ITC政策强化,有望助力光储(增量...
IRA出台后,一方面明确将已经在享受ITC和PTC补贴的现有项目延长年限,同时出台新的清洁电力项目投资与生产的税收补贴科目,CEITC(clean energy investment tax credit,Section 48E)和CEPTC (clean energy production tax credit, Section 45Y)。其关键是明确了10年期的税收抵免政策,这对市场释放出非常强烈的政策信号和创...
现代汽车加速在佐治亚州的电动汽车工厂建设:原定于明年上半年开工的佐治亚电动汽车工厂,将加速于今年10月动工,预计2024年底投产。 IRA法案的投资税抵免(Investment Tax Credit, ITC)以30%费率延长十年,至2033年后逐渐退坡。这个激励措施使得现代汽车决定加速在佐治亚州的电动汽车工厂建设,以便尽早享受到这个税收优惠。
You may be eligible for a nonrefundable tax credit of up to 50% of your IRA contribution, not exceeding $1,000 ($2,000 if married filing jointly), depending on your adjusted gross income (AGI).5 Below are the 2023 and 2024 tax credits that are allowed for combinations of particular in...