Individual retirement accounts can offer significant tax advantages as you save for your retirement. Explore IRA solutions and open an account online today.
IRA是美国个人退休账户Individual Retirement Account的简称,创设依据是1974年国会通过的《雇员退休收入保障法案》Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA),确立了个人退休账户(传统IRA)作为重要储蓄工具之一。 IRA的概念里有两个关键词,第一是个人。IRA是个人自愿参加投资的...
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) FAQs What are the advantages of an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? The main advantages of an IRA include accessibility, flexibility, and control over contributions, investments, and situation-considerate withdrawal rules. Additionally, IRAs have tax benefits as ...
IRA是美国个人退休账户IndividualRetirementAccount的简称,创设依据是1974年国会通过的《雇员退休收入保障法案》EmployeeRetirementIncomeSecurityAct(ERISA),确立了个人退休账户(传统IRA)作为重要 储蓄工具之一。…
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and Roth IRA Certificates of Deposit -- Fixed rate of interest for term of deposit -- Tax-deferred earnings* -- Deposit terms range from 12 to 18 months - minimum $100 -- Principal and interest automatically renewed for the same term unless you instruct ...
个人退休账户,即IRA(Individual Retirement Account),是一种个人自愿投资性退休帐户,所谓"自愿"是指是否购买IRA完全是居民个人的决策;所谓“退休帐户”,是指这部分资金主要用于投资人退休后的养老用途,即正常情况下,这笔资金只有在投资人退休之后能够使用;所谓“投资性”,是指居民购买IRA实质上是一种长期的基金投资。
Find out what an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is, and see different types of IRAs, along with benefits, and contribution guidelines.
个人退休帐户(IRA)是个人使用的有税收好处的投资工具,专门用于退休金储蓄。 因存钱主体(个人或公司雇主)的不同,IRA分类如下: traditional IRA(传统退休账...
In common usage, IRA also stands for "individual retirement account," a type of plan that one can pay into throughout one's career and withdraw from in retirement. In such cases, a plan would be both a retirement account for a specific person and an individual retirement arrangement in the...
In common usage, IRA also stands for "individual retirement account," or a type of plan that one can pay into throughout their career and withdraw from in retirement. In such cases, a plan would be both a retirement account for a specific person, as well as an individual retirement arrang...