IR-UWB Radar》,下载地址参考文末链接。概要本文研究了使用IR-UWB来检测心率和呼吸频率,并提出一个算法,将将心率信号与呼吸信号分离出来,验证结果,所提算法能够有效估计呼吸频率,与传统临床相比,例如与心电图仪ECG相比,呼吸频率准确率高达97-99%,心率准确率超过90%。 来源:
IR-UWB Radar? «on:February 12, 2024, 10:33:18 pm » Calling all RF / Radar experts – See video below of continuous 24/7 stream of 397-434 Mhz signals in my home (dBm between -67 and -73) measured with GQ EMF-390. Scanned everything in the house, basement & garage and no...
中文引用格式:党小超,张金龙,郝占军,等.基于IR-UWB雷达的非接触式呼吸检测方法[J].计算机工程,2021,47(11):175-184.英文引用格式:DANG X C,ZHANG J L,HAO Z J,et al.Non-contact respiration detection method based on IR-UWB radar[J].Computer Engineering,2021,47(11):175-184.Non-...
A Detailed Algorithm for Vital Sign Monitoring of a Stationary/Non-Stationary Human through IR-UWB Radar. Sensors 2017, 17, 290. [CrossRef] [PubMed]Faheem Khan and Sung Ho Cho, "A Detailed Algorithm for Vital Sign Monitoring of a Stationary/Non-Stationary Human through IR- UWB Radar," ...
Keywords : impulse ; through wall radar (TWR) ; ultra wide band ( UWB ) ; equivalent sampling o 引言 当前,超宽带穿墙雷达系统“⑵可以分为冲激脉冲体 制(IR)、步进频连续波体制(SFCW )以及调频连续波体制 (FMCW)。FMCW 体制穿墙雷达在脉冲压缩之后,其旁瓣 电平输出较高,容易掩盖弱散射...
[8] ZETIK R, CRABBEB S, KRAJNAKC J, et al. Detection and Localization of Persons Behind Obstacles Using M-Sequence Through-the-Wall Radar[C]∥Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense V, Kissimmee, FL: SPIE...
Villarino, "Analysis of vital signs monitoring using an IR-UWB radar," Progress In Electromag- netics Research, vol. 100, pp. 265-284, 2010.A. Lazaro, D. Girbau, and R. Villarino, "Analysis of vital signs moni- toring using an IR-UWB radar," Progress Electromagn. Res., vol. 100,...
Keywords:impulseradioultra-wideband(IR-UWB)radar;noncontact;short-range;vitalsigns; ensembleempiricalmodedecomposition(EEMD);continuous-wavelettransform(CWT) 1.Introduction Radarsensorshavebeenwidelyusedinanumberofapplicationssincethe1930s[1],fromprimary vehiclespeedmeasurementtoadvancedair-defenseandmarineradars,al...
Heart beats were simultaneously measured from the IR-UWB radar and ECG so that the data recorded from the two devices were synchronized. Participants were told to hold their breath for 15–20 seconds during the measurements, to minimize the noises from the chest wall during respiration. ...
For example, a location detection and tracking of moving targets by a 2D IR-UWB radar system is presented in [9]. Robust Self-Contained Pedestrian Navigation by Fusing the IMU and Compass Measurements via UFIR Filtering IR-UWB. Here interference is by a single transmitter. Technology implication...