In French, verbs have a set of endings. We call this a conjugation. A verb like choisir (pronounced: shwah-zeer), meaning 'to choose,' is called an -IR verb. To conjugate the verb, we chop off the -IR at the end of the word and put on the correct ending. The ending for the ...
–irverb conjugations – PwLF super list Irregular verbs Present tense Helping verbs Simple vs compound tenses Introduction to French verbs Lawless French Files:B1 - Intermediate Frenchconjugation lessons Stay up to date with Lawless French Questions about French?
-ir动词(规则) -ir动词(规则)的变化 Verbswithinfinitivesendingin-irformasecondgroupofregularverbs inFrench,oftencalled'secondconjugation'verbs.Toconjugatethese verbs,dropthe-irfromtheinfinitiveandaddthesecondconjugation presenttenseendings:-is,-is,-it,-issons,-issez,-issent. Thesingularandpluralforms...
Preterite conjugations are found by dropping the -er or -ir and adding the following verb endings: -í, -iste, -ío, -imos, -isteis, and -ieron. Salir Conjugation In Spanish, the verb salir translates to mean ''to leave''. Preterite conjugations of the verb are shown in the table...
If you know those endings, you will be able to conjugate any of these verbs without having to learn each one individually. Regular -ER and -IR verbs in Spanish are much less common than regular -AR verbs, but there are still several important ones that you should know. Remember that ...
NEIL: And even in French, I mean wasn’tdejeunerfor lunch? PETER:Dejeuner, yeah, which means “to break the fast.” NEIL: Right. But thenpetit dejeunerit’s like they play off of lunch for you to have breakfast, it’s a little lunch. ...