Returning to FIG. 2, the pulse sequence will be described. First, a slice-selective magnetic field gradient GSis imposed by the gradient power supply4via the gradient coils3z. When the magnetic field gradient GSrises to a certain value, one narrow-band 90° RF pulse is applied by the trans...
hydrocarbons concentration measurement in the infrared spectra absorption rangeA double beam IR detector is developed for light hydrocarbons concentration measurement in emissions from storage vessels during oil and oil products storage and transportation. It was concluded on the ...
proposedforcorrelationcoefficients thatallowforqualificationofasubstanceasidenticaltothereferenceone. q2006ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. Keywords:Cephalosporins;Penicillins;IRspectrometry;Identification;Spectracomparison Antibioticsarespecificchemicalsubstances,derivedfrom orproducedbylivingorganisms,whichare...
𝑓f and 𝑣v denote the spectra in the slow and fast time domains, respectively. Using the Bessel function, Equation (11) can be expressed as Υ(𝑣,𝑓)=𝑎𝑣𝑈(𝑣)𝑒−𝑗2π𝑣τ0∫−∞+∞ ⎜⎜∑𝑘=−∞+∞𝐽𝑘(β𝑟𝑣)𝑒−𝑗2π𝑘𝑓...
A value for D was obtained, 𝐷=(1.8±0.2)mJ/m2D=1.8±0.2mJ/m2, indicating that the right-handed chirality is favoured by the iDMI. This is in agreement with previous investigations that expect a right-handed chirality for a Co/Pt stack where the Pt is the overlayer [31]. 3. ...
Flower color (FC) was considered also an important trait which highly defines the ornamental value of the plants. Petal colors were identified using the Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart (RHSCC) based on visual comparisons. Flower color of the parent plants and F1 progenies selected for ...
To determine the final concentration of the conjugate and the dye/antibody molar ratio, absorbance spectra at 280 nm (A280) and 780 nm (A780) were determined by a microplate reader PHERAstar (BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany). Following the protocol supplied with the kit, the dye/antibody ...
This allows the radiation spectra of the source to be adjusted to the absorption band of the gas whose concentration is being evaluated [2]. Furthermore, those studies provide an alternative technique to research modulation techniques and various sorts of light sources to sustain the operating ...