CB has many reflectance spectra depending on the angle of light falling on the background and the angle of illumination of the digital camera/hyperspectral camera (Sönke, 2016). Advancement phase 3, exponential relationships of multidimensional CBs-DGTWSICB in UV–Vis-IR spectrums Figures 7, ...
hydrocarbons concentration measurement in the infrared spectra absorption rangeA double beam IR detector is developed for light hydrocarbons concentration measurement in emissions from storage vessels during oil and oil products storage and transportation. It was concluded on the b...
zero value of c.c. implies the lack of the correlation between both spectra (they are totally different), while the value of 1 reflects identity of both spectra (and consequently, of the substances being compared). Results of the comparison of spectra registered for the ...
In addition, the value of ΔνCOO− for p-coumaric acid was higher than o-coumaric acid (in FT-IR, FT-Raman and theoretical spectra). In the UV-VIS spectra of the studied compounds, the hipsochromic shifts indicate that the alkali metal cations perturb the electronic system of the ...
Flower color (FC) was considered also an important trait which highly defines the ornamental value of the plants. Petal colors were identified using the Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart (RHSCC) based on visual comparisons. Flower color of the parent plants and F1 progenies selected for ...