Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL...
The cellular PIMs use Sierra Wireless series modems, and Telit modems. The software download page can be found here: https://software.cisco.com/download/navigator.html?mdfid=286288566&flowid=76082 Table 1.Modem Technology Supported SKU ID...
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The absolute values of the hit quality are not so important. 100% would mean identical spectrum and 0% totally different spectrum (some software packages have different scaling of the hit value).In reality you never reach a hit with value 100%. Sometimes a hit with quality of 70% or even...
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This article provides some details on using nginx https://jjssoftware.github.io/secure-your-esp8266/ Multiple LED Setup If you are setting up your ESP8266 IR Controller to handle multiple devices, for example in a home theater setup, and the IR receivers are in different directions, you may...
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I want to freewheeling(coasting) but I don't quite understand how can I get clear freewheeling without braking. For second reason I see that resistances are quite big I am calculating them but I guess I forgot high load condutions thats why I am disabling 15 ohm (Rvs). In...
A general software-based security technique generates random numbers in an external computer program and stores them in a non-volatile memory (NVM) inside a device14,15. The recorded keys are always at risk of leakage and vulnerable security. However, the PUF has a random number on its own,...
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