Additionally, the TyG had been demonstrated to be strongly associated with diabetes, obesity, NAFLD and even metabolic syndrome, all of which were risk factors of hypogonadism15,16,17,18. To the best of our knowledge, no study has investigated the application of TyG in male hypogonadism. Using...
Previ- ous studies have shown that IR in patients with CKD is closely linked to risk factors that contribute to CVD, such as chronic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and oxidative stress [8]. Therefore, early identification and management of IR can help prevent or delay the onset of ...
These K-factors are extracted as a function of boson pT and the pT of the leading jet in the event. These K-factors are extracted as a function of boson pT and the pT of the leading jet in the event, and typically vary between 0.5 and 1.5 depending on the boson pT. The γ + ...
New risk factors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for our management to predict all risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from ...
This is due to a few factors but the point is virtually all black and white photographs aren’t exactly black and white. Rather, they are toned based on the type of film emulsion and the development techniques used. Now, look at that same piece of film after I have digitally converted ...
Since the time for ISD1700 to accomplish a task is a variable factor pending upon the type of task, sampling frequency and other external factors, one may need to do the trial and error experiments in order to search for an optimum number. For example, with 8kHz sampling frequency, one ...
7RRXUVWRFNKROGHUV ,W¶VDJUHDWSOHDVXUHWREHZULWLQJWR\RXDWWKHHQG RIRXUILUVW\HDUDVDSXEOLFFRPSDQ\DIWHUZKDW ZDVDUHPDUNDEOHIRU3UHFLVLRQ%LR6FLHQFHV :HVWDUWHGWKH\HDUDVDSULYDWHO\KHOGSUHFOLQLFDO VWDJHFRPSDQ\Z Clocking Source for ADC5562 The signal-to-noise ratio of the ADC is limited by three different factors: the quantization noise, the thermal noise, and the total jitter of the sample clock. Quantization noise is driven by the resolution of the ADC, which is 16 bits for the ADS...
production of high-performance optoelectronic devices. The ink technology also enables the fabrication of optoelectronic devices on diverse substrates and form factors by using solution-processing techniques such as spin or spray coating; continuous roll-to-roll, blade, or slot-die coating; and inkjet...
Non-targeted and delayed effects of exposure to ionizing radiation: II. Radiation-induced genomic instability and bystander effects in vivo, clastogenic factors and transgenerational effects. Radiat Res. 2003;159:581–96. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Boffetta P. Epidemiology of environmental and...