Irregular -er/ir verbs follow different conjugation rules. What is meant by preterite conjugation? The preterite tense is a Spanish tense used to discuss events that happened in the past. It is used when discussing past events which occurred during a defined time period, not ongoing or ...
Andar Conjugation: Preterite & Future Tense Andar Conjugation | Present, Present Progressive & Examples Corregir in Spanish | Conjugation, Tenses & Examples Spanish Verb Aprender | Conjugation Chart & Conversation Tocar Conjugation: Preterite, Imperfect & SubjunctiveCreate...
The gerund form of the verbiris irregular. It has an -i to -y shift, meaning it is spelledyendo. It can be used independently or paired with a helping verb. Whenyendois paired with a form of the verbestar, it creates the progressive tense. Below you will find a chart that shows the...
Ganar Spanish Conjugation | Uses & Examples Tener Conjugation: Present Progressive & Conditional Perfect Andar Conjugation: Preterite & Future Tense Andar Conjugation | Present, Present Progressive & Examples Corregir in Spanish | Conjugation, Tenses & Examples Spanish Verb Aprender | Conjugation Chart &...