The phenotypically uniform indica rice variety IR64 was chosen for study of the source and inheritance of within cultivar residual variation using a set of SSR markers.Molecular heterogeneity in IR64 was identified on the short arm of chromosome 2 involving at least five SSR loci spanning nearly ...
It has also been used extensively as a parent in breeding programs, and to develop populations for genetic analysis. In this article, we describe the development of IR64 and its major characteristics. We also discuss the use of this variety in further breeding and rice research....
Abstract:ThephenotypicallyuniformindicaricevarietyIR64waschosenforstudyofthesour ceandinheritanceofwithin cultivarresidualvariationusingasetofSSRmarkers.MolecularheterogeneityinIR64wasid entifiedontheshortarmof chromosome2involvingatleast[iveSSRlocispanningnearly30cM.TheSSRvariationsorig ...
riceSeveral lowland NERICAs (New Rice for Africa) were derived from crosses between IR64 (an Oryza sativa subsp. indica variety) and Tog5681 (an Oryza glaberrima variety) that possess useful traits adapted to lowland conditions in West Africa. The proportion of parental genomic contribution and ...
Identification of the CesA7 Gene Encodes Brittleness Mutation Derived from IR64 Variety and Breeding for Ruminant Feeding Rice straw presents challenges as livestock feed due to its low digestibility and the presence of chemical residues. One potential solution is to focus on ... A Sawasdee,TH Tsa...
In order to map the QTLs for cooking quality in rice, two populations of BC2F5 lines, derived from indica rice varieties IR64 and Teqing (TQ) as recurrent parents and an Iranian rice variety, Tarom molaeii (TM) as donor, studied in Inter... AS Abdolhamid,FM Hosein,Naji Mohammad,.....
The IR62266 rice variety, which carries the xa5 gene, was released by the International Rice Research Institute and has broad resistance to BLB disease, (Glaszmann, 1987; Ogawa et al., 2004). This variety has been a popular donor parent in rice improvement for BLB resistance and was ...
(BPH15introgression line) and susceptible rice (recurrent parent 9311) in response to the infestation of BPH biotype 123. However, to the best of our knowledge, no report exists on the role of miRNAs in a resistant rice variety in response to BPH infestations of variable virulence levels. ...
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The projected rice demand for the increasing population across the globe is going to be very tough beyond 2040. The option of increasing yield potential of rice varieties need to be accelerated. Yield potential improvement of popular variety IR64 wastaken up by introducing yield component QTLs Gn...