你可以使用此页面下载可用于安装或重新安装 Windows 10 的光盘映像(ISO 文件)。该映像还可用于使用 USB 闪存驱动器或 DVD 创建安装媒体。 开始之前 Windows 10 2023 更新 | 版本 22H2 选择版本 以下Windows 10 版本对于 Windows 10 家庭版和 Windows 10 专业版都...
Internship program – or - secret Microsoft operation. None of the interns understood the detailed description of the program before joining. That's because there wasn’t one. It was so generic that it attracted people with little or no security background, ...
February 21, 2023AnalysIR Blog, IR Sources, MakeIR Kits, ProductsArduino IRremote library, FUZZY CLean, Infrared remote control, LearnIR, LearnIR Version 2, VishayUser Two We are excited to announce the immediate Availability of LearnIR Version 2. LearnIR has been out of stock for many mon...
Realtek DMFT IR Camera Driver 10.0.22000.20291 for Windows 10 64-bitDownload Summary Download Now Update All Drivers File size:27.80 MB Platform:Windows 10 64 bit Price:FREE DOWNLOAD Downloads:24 Released:December 14, 2023 Manufacturer URL:Realtek ...
目前支持 Windows / Linux 开箱即用 Readme Translations 中文/ English /fa_IR 便携格式,无安装器。转到 Releases 下载预编译的二进制文件,解压后即可使用。 下载/ Download 安装包的说明,如果你不知道要下载哪一个 Package AUR:nekoray-git Scoop extras:scoop install nekoray ...
Šis naujinimas bus greitai pasiekiamas per „Windows Update“. 2 būdas: „Microsoft Update“ katalogas Norėdami gauti atskirą šio naujinimo paketą, eikite į "Microsoft Update" katalogo svetainę. ...
TLS 1.3 support has been added to QlikView May 2023. With this support has been dropped of TLS 1.0 and 1.1. This means that QlikView supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. Stronger encryption used QlikView May 2023 now uses AES256 encryption instead of AES128. This is mainly used in the inter...
Oct 4, 2023 include/tvm [release] Update version to 0.18.dev0 on main branch Jul 16, 2024 jvm [JVM] Automatic Compatibility of JVM AttachCurrentThread (apache#16987) May 13, 2024 licenses [Runtime] CUDA IPC Memory support and custom allreduce kernels (apach… ...
Ovo će ažuriranje uskoro biti dostupno putem Windows Update. 2. način: Katalog Microsoft Update Da biste nabavili samostalni paket za ovo ažuriranje, idite na web-mjesto Katalog Microsoft Update. Treći n...
2023年9月25日月曜日 章のタイトル: Smart Licensing Using Policy(SLP) 章のコンテンツ Close この章は、次の項で構成されています。 SLP の概要 Smart Licensing Using Policy(SLP)は、IOS-XE リリース 17.3.2 以降のデフォルトモードで、以前は Smart Licensing Enhanced(SLE)...