The test score is obtained from iQOO laboratory based on AnTuTu version V9.5.9. The test device used is iQOO Z7 5G. The data is for reference only. Actual score may vary depending on the phone memory edition and test environment. Data from Qualcomm's official website as compared with Sna...
As per a screenshot shared by tipster Mukul Sharma, the iQOO Z7 Pro 5G has scored 728,764 points on AnTuTu. Specifically, the CPU has scored 248,330 points while the GPU has scored 177,560 points. To recall, the iQOO Z6 Pro averages around 550,000 points on AnTutu with a CPU scor...
处理器为联发科天玑920 5G芯片,可能配备高达12GB的内存和高达256GB的内部存储空间,电池方面,该机可能会配备5000mAh电池。 但需要注意的是,这只是海外市场的iQOO Z7的配置,按照国内市场现在的竞争情况来看,如果也是搭载天玑920的话那就别发布了,肯定会被骂死,最有可能的就是也搭载骁龙7+Gen1这款处理器,从而和Redmi...
iQOO Z7 5G India Launch Date Emerges in Google Search Mar 5, 2023 iQOO iQOO Z7 Gets Benchmarked at AnTuTu, Scores Higher Than Snapdragon 695-Powered Phones Mar 3, 2023 News iQOO Z7 Officially Teased To Launch Soon, OIS Enabled Primary Camera Confirmed Feb 24, 2023 12Page 1 of ...
3月20日,iQOO召开新品发布会,正式带来了iQOO Z7系列机型,该机型共有三款产品,分别为iQOO Z7、Z7x和Z7i,其中Z7i早就已经在官微上架,所有的配置详情我们也都已经报道过,大家可以点击 iQOO Z7i官网上架:949起售 全球首发联发科天玑6020 回顾。我们这次重点来看Z7和Z7x
通过手机性能测试,iQOO Z7x 在 GeekBench5 的 CPU 跑分测试中得分 1180分,在 Antutu 性能测试中得分为 750000分,凭借其强悍的性能表现,获得了许多用户和评测人士的认可。充电速度 iQOO Z7x 支持 120W 闪充,是目前市面上最快的充电技术之一。在官方的测试中,iQOO Z7 只要花费了 15 分钟的时间就充满了电...
Unknown. Help us by suggesting a value. (iQOO Z6 Pro 5G) 438554 AnTuTu is one of the most important benchmarks for Android devices. The score reflects the overall performance of a device by summing up results of individual tests that various parameters, such as RAM speed, CPU performance,...
488. Nokia G60 5G 410076 489. vivo T1 (India) 410034 490. vivo T1 (Malaysia) 410004 vivo iQOO Z7x характеристики: Датазапуска: March 20, 2023 Цена: 180 EUR Размерэкрана: 6.64-дюйм Разрешениеэкрана: 1080...
根据iQOO的说法,骁龙4 Gen 1驱动的iQOO Z6 Lite 5G在AnTuTu基准测试中获得了388486分。它的得分超过了天玑 700 5G芯片和骁龙 680 4G芯片,后者在基准测试平台上的得分分别约为339046和280000。iQOO Z6 Lite 5G有传言称,它将配备6.58英寸IPS LCD显示屏,提供120Hz的刷新率。该设备的后置摄像头设置将具有...
下面就到了每次体验必不可少的跑分环节了,虽然跑分并不能反映一款手机的真实体验表现,但是也可以给用户一定的参考。下面笔者就用目前市面上比较流行的几款跑分软件对iQOO Z8进行测试。关于安兔兔评测:安兔兔评测AnTuTu Benchmark是专门给iOS和Android设备的手机、平板电脑评分的专业软件。新版的安兔兔能够一键完成,...