What to know what country has the highest average IQ? ➜ What is the average IQ of your country? ✓ Full list of countries by their average IQ - more than 180 countries! ✓ ☆ Find answers about IQ by country here! ⇦
Our annual ranking of IQ by country is frequently cited by online journals and indirectly demonstrates the test’s reliability via the year-to-year stability of these national average IQ scores. How long does this test take? The test takes about 20 to 30 minutes on average. While completion...
关于智商测试的网站很多,相对权威的都是英文站,对于中国人不友好,而中文测智商的站点讨论太多,大部分都说免费,确实是免费测试,但费劲测试完后,查看结果时候需要付费,最典型的就是 测智网http://iqeq.com.cn。 http://international-iq-test.com也是类似,测试免费,查看结果收费,支付方式支持支付宝,哈哈,看来中国...
79%completed the test. Avg. score:101 IQ Score By Country Map Average IQ Score By Country: Country/RegionAvg. IQ ScoreSample < 100 Hong Kong SAR107 Japan106 Singapore105 South Korea105 Iceland104* Luxembourg104 Bahamas103* Belgium103
TEST YOUR BRAIN. PhD Designed IQ Test. Extremely accurate and Insightful. IQ Haven - High Range IQ Testing. Instant IQ Test results. How Smart You Are?
国际智商测试 international-IQ-Test 测试地址:https://international-iq-test.com/zh-Hans/ 2025各国平均IQ排名:https://international-iq-test.com/zh-Hans/test/IQ_by_country 相关文章: 实用信息查询机器人集合-信息数据库 谷歌SEO实战教程:谷歌排名第一秘籍,内容从入门到高阶,适合个人及团队 Open WebUI-开源...
Last updated: Jun 24, 2022IQ Chart | Celebrity IQ | IQ by country | Answers & Stats Take the test now: https://www.arealme.com/iq/en/ 28,522,074 takers from 243 countries/regions 80% completed the test. Avg. score: 100.7 IQ Chart...
Average IQ by country Hong Kong 110.22 Japan 109.73 Iran 109.14 Israel 107.93 China 107.88 South Korea 107.51 Thailand 107.02 Austria 106.99 Singapore 106.37 Show full country analytics About IQ Test IQ Global Test is an online platform that sets high standards for IQ assessments. Confirmatory Factor...
This ranking, frequently cited by international media, allows tracking the disparities between different countries around the world and their development over the years. Excerpt from the country ranking map (dark red = higher score) Take the International IQ Test...
Results are based on standardized test scores from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Which country has the best education system? Finland has the best education system, an honor it has held since 2000. The country beat out Japan and South Korea, both of which are repea...