Average IQ Score 100 Instant Results Test validation fees: $799$9.99: Get only your IQ Score Range, for example, Average/Normal (90-109) or Gifted (130-139) $1199$15.99: Get your Exact IQ Score with a PDF Report sent to your email ...
IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a normal IQ range or average intelligence. Individual adults usually score somewhere between the 70-130 range, with 100 being the theoretical average. If you score above 130, then you have a score higher than the IQ ranges of the average population, and...
IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a normal IQ range or average intelligence. Individual adults usually score somewhere between the 70-130 range, with 100 being the theoretical average. If you score above 130, then you have a score higher than the IQ ranges of the average population, and...
While the scoring scale can vary a bit depending on which type of IQ test you’re taking, in general, the average IQ is 100. IQ test scores fall along a standard distribution, or a bell curve, with 68% of all IQs falling within one standard deviation (15 points) of the average ...
Our IQ Experts developed a large number of logical tests, enabling us to give you a very precise IQ Score The average human has an IQ of 85 to 115. Most people who tries IQ tests on the internet have a much higher IQ than the regular population. When we talk about intelligent IQ we...
IQ RangeIQ Classification 145–160Very gifted or highly advanced 130–144Gifted or very advanced 120–129Superior 110–119High average 90–109Average 80-89Low average 70-79Borderline impaired or delayed 55–69Mildly impaired or delayed 40–54Moderately impaired or delayed ...
IQ Range ("Deviation IQ")IQ Classification 145-160 Very gifted or highly advanced 130-144 Gifted or very advanced 120-129 Superior 110-119 High average 90-109 Average 80-89 Low average 70-79 Borderline impaired or delayed 55-69 Mildly impaired or delayed 40-54 Moderately impaired or delayed...
The average person has an IQ score of around 100, while people with a high IQ clock in around 120 and above. And IQ scores of 70 and below are considered to be in the low range. Knowing where you fall on the IQ scale can help you figure out how to better serve your intellectual ...
Results in the average IQ range are consistent with Flynn's hypothesis, but test differences gradually diminish above and below the average range, and in the retarded range the direction of the differences reverses. WISC-R/WAIS-R differences in the retarded range are also reversed (the newer ...
This test is closely based on another one concept by concept. That test was standardized against a Mensa sample. As such, this test will only give exact IQ scores for the 97 to 160 IQ range. (100 is defined as the average IQ for the general population. High school graduates have an av...