What to know what country has the highest average IQ? ➜ What is the average IQ of your country? ✓ Full list of countries by their average IQ - more than 180 countries! ✓ ☆ Find answers about IQ by country here! ⇦
The average IQ by country (with ranking), updated in 2025. This study is based on 1,691,740 people around the world.
Our annual ranking of IQ by country is frequently cited by online journals and indirectly demonstrates the test’s reliability via the year-to-year stability of these national average IQ scores. How long does this test take? The test takes about 20 to 30 minutes on average. While completion...
IQ Score By Country Map Average IQ Score By Country: Country/RegionAvg. IQ ScoreSample < 100 Hong Kong SAR107 Japan106 Singapore105 South Korea105 Iceland104* Luxembourg104 Bahamas103* Belgium103 China103 Italy103 San Marino103* Austria102 ...
【最新出炉】 全球智商排行榜 Average IQ by country (2025 update) Here is the average IQ by country, updated on January 1, 2025. This study is based on 1,393,066 people around the world who took t...
样本2:https://brainstats.com/average-iq-by-country.html 样本3:https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php 样本3图的来源是: 列了6个"studies",其中4个你可以见到都有Lynn当作者,大部分都是一座。而Ahmad, Khanum, Riaz (2008) 其实是这篇文章 https://mankindquarterly.org/ archive/issue/49...
Where do you think you rank compared to the rest of the world? Do you have a high IQ? Please find out your individual score by taking our reliable IQ test now. Take our official Worldwide IQ Test #CountryAverage IQStandard DeviationCronbach's alpha ...
样本2:https://brainstats.com/average-iq-by-country.html 样本3:https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php 样本3图的来源是: https://mankindquarterly.org/ archive/issue/49-1/4 所以你普通在浏览网络文章时,随意见到的“世界IQ图”的多种颜色版本,显示“白人正常IQ,东亚人IQ稍微高一些,黑人和所有...
Average IQ by country Hong Kong 110.5 Japan 109.71 Iran 109.16 China 108.02 Israel 107.78 South Korea 107.56 Thailand 107.23 Malaysia 106.5 Singapore 106.39 Show full country analytics About IQ Test IQ Global Test is an online platform that sets high standards for IQ assessments. ...
Is the average IQ different in various countries? Yes, the average IQ does differ from country to country. Researchers at the Ulster Institute conducted a study in 2019, taking the data of average IQ scores by country, using standard IQ tests, and adding other measurements such as math, scie...