而像是一幅艺术作品 LOS ANGELES IPW 2024亮点回顾(花絮) 1-开幕之夜:巨星闪耀,美酒飘香 坐标:博览公园纪念体育场 5月4日晚,洛杉矶地标性的纪念体育场星光熠熠,IPW2024开幕晚宴在这里举行,6000名与会者欢聚现场,享受美食、音乐和流行...
2024年5月3日至7日,IPW展会将来到洛杉矶,其独特之处在于它的多元文化,由七个独具特色的区域交织而成, 如同一个巨大的文化融汇地,居民来自140多个国家,涵盖220多种语言。因此,在洛杉矶,每一位游客都能深切感受到热情的欢迎,突出了作为全球最多...
Congratulations to the 2024 Travel Writer Awards winners! The 2024 IPW Travel Writer Awards were presented at IPW Los Angeles. Photo caption from left to right: Harmke Kraak (The Netherlands), Shayla Martin (United States), Pedro Montaño (Mexico), Claire Dodd (United Kingdom), and ...
As the leading inbound travel trade show, past IPWs have generated more than $5.5 billion in future travel by connecting U.S. travel exhibitors with travel buyers and media to promote their products and negotiate future business, securing America’s position as a foremost global travel destination...