全球唯一地址(Global Unique Address):公网地址,全球可达。 唯一本地地址(Unique Local Unicast Address):私网地址,同子网段可达。 链路本地地址(Link-Local Address):基于邻居发现协议的自动配置地址,同一个链路上的所有主机可达,不需要手动配置。 站点本地地址(Site-Local Address):已丢弃,被链路本地地址替代。 ...
全球唯一地址(Global Unique Address):公网地址,全球可达。 唯一本地地址(Unique Local Unicast Address):私网地址,同子网段可达。 链路本地地址(Link-Local Address):基于邻居发现协议的自动配置地址,同一个链路上的所有主机可达,不需要手动配置。 站点本地地址(Site-Local Address):已丢弃,被链路本地地址替代。 ...
全球唯一地址(Global Unique Address):公网地址,全球可达。 本地路由地址: 唯一本地地址(Unique Local Unicast Address):私网地址,同 Subnet 可达。 链路本地地址(Link-Local Address):基于邻居发现协议的自动配置地址,同一个 Link 上的所有 Hosts 可达,不需要手动配置。 不同的单播地址类型由 IPv6 地址中最左边...
IPv6的单播地址可以有一个代表特殊地址名字的范畴,如链路本地地址(link local address)和唯一区域地址(ULA,unique local address)。单播地址包括可聚类的全球单播地址、链路本地地址等。 任播(anycast)地址 任播像是Unicast(单点传播)与Broadcast(多点广播)的综合。单点广播在来源和目的地间直接进行通信;多点广播存在...
单播位址标示一个网路介面。协议会把送往位址的封包送往给其介面。IPv6的单播位址可以有一个代表特殊位址名字的范畴,如链路本地位址(link local address)和唯一区域位址(ULA,unique local address)。单播地址包括可聚类的全球单播地址、链路本地地址等。
Unique Local unicast address: is globally unique and intended for local communication. Unique local unicast addresses are not expected to be routable on the global internet. They are routable inside a site and also possibly between a limited set of sites. These addresses are not auto-configured....
Unique Local unicast address: is globally unique and intended for local communication. Unique local unicast addresses are not expected to be routable on the global internet. They are routable inside a site and also possibly between a limited set of sites. These addresses are not auto-configured....
fc00::/7-唯一区域地址(ULA,unique local address)只可用于本地通信,类似于IPv4的专用网络地址10.0.0.0/8、和192.168.0.0/16。这定义在RFC 4193中,是用来取代站点本地位域。这地址包含一个40比特的伪随机数,以减少当网站合并或数据包误传到网络时碰撞的风险。这些地址除了只能用于区域外,还具备全...
site-local Replaced by Unique Local Addresses Some address prefixes are special use: special IPv6 address Prefix length (bits) Description Notes 2001:db8:: 32 documentation examples Not to be routed. 2001:0:: 32 Teredo tunnels the remaining bits come from a Teredo server and the client NAT ...
IPv6’s larger address space eliminates the need for NAT. With IPv6, each device receives its own unique, globally routable address, simplifying network configurations and allowing direct connections. To put this in perspective, we would run out of IPv4 addresses if we tried to assign one to ...