如果地址池不存在,执行ipv6 poolpool-namebasdelegation命令创建delegation地址池并进入该地址池视图,在地址池视图下执行prefixprefix-name命令把步骤3的前缀池绑定到该地址池下。 如果地址池存在,执行命令ipv6 poolpool-name命令进入地址池视图,在该地址池视图下执行display this命令查看该地址池下是否绑定了前缀池,如果...
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b720f6750101fs2j.html 在IPV6中,地址分配的两种方式: 1、无状态自动配置 2、DHCPv6 1、无状态自动配置 R1(config)#interface f0/0 R1(config-if)#ipv6 enable R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012::1/64 #R2打开debug功能 R2#debug ipv6 icmp R2#debug ipv6 nd #...
IPv6 Access Services: DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) prefix delegation feature can be used to manage link, subnet, and site addressing changes. • Information About IPv6 Access Services: DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation, on page 1 • How to ...
How to Configure IPv6 Prefix Delegation on a Service Provider Server To start, we're going to refer to our, internal, DHCP server as R4. On the interface which goes off to the customer edge, there is not much configuration that will be needed. We'll still do a couple of things. Firs...
Prefix Delegation for Proxy Mobile IPv6 draft-ietf-netext-pd-pmip-06 Proxy Mobile IPv6 enables IP mobility for a host without requiringits participation in any mobility signaling, being the networkresponsible for managing IP mobility on behalf of the host. However, Proxy Mobile IPv6 does not ...
You must specify either the IPv6 addresses or the IPv6 address count in the request. You can optionally use Prefix Delegation on the network interface. You must specify either the IPV6 Prefix Delegation prefixes, or the IPv6 Prefix Delegation count. For information, seeAssigning prefixes to net...
By default, no IPv6 PD address pool is created on the device. Run prefix-delegation ipv6-prefix/ipv6-prefix-length assign-prefix-length [ life-time { valid-lifetime | infinite } { preferred-lifetime | infinite } ] An IPv6 address prefix agent is bound to the IPv6 address pool...
When using Prefix Delegation from upstream and advertising subnet prefixes on internal interfaces such that local hosts create addresses from more than one prefix there is no way to automatically add the prefix route to a routing table. Consider the case of multiple upstream links some or all of...
Automatic prefix delegation: design principal and implementation implemented the Automatic Prefix Delegation protocol, which is suited for IPv6 network well because of its hierarchical address architecture. That is server/... KJ Lee,J Park,H Kim - International Conference on Advanced Communication Techno...
The network interface on which the server that is using the pool is running. A binding table entry is automatically created whenever a prefix is delegated to a client from the configuration pool, and the entry is updated when the client renews, rebinds, or confirms the prefix...