ipv6,/etc/hosts配置文件解析问题 起因: 客户反馈,,Linux7 GI集群软件,Oracle软件均已正常安装完毕。 本篇文档讲述描述两个信息 1.DBCA建库,出现,处理 VIP do not all share the same subnetwork,or the vip subnetwok does not match that of any public network interface in the cluster 2.11g R2...
"HostsFile": "/usr/local/overture/hosts_sample", "Finder": "full-map" }, "MinimumTTL": 6, "DomainTTLFile" : "/usr/local/overture/domain_ttl_sample", "CacheSize" : 1024, "RejectQType": [255] } 现在你的软路由理应已经配置完成了ipv6. 在你的局域网windows电脑下,打开cmd命令行界面,...
ipv6 nd ra boot-file-url url-string 缺省情况下,RA消息中不携带下载Boot文件的URL地址。 (8) 设置被管理地址配置标志位为1。 ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag 缺省情况下,被管理地址标志位为0,即主机通过无状态自动配置获取IPv6地址。 (9) 设置其他配置标志位为1。 ipv6 nd autoconfig other-fl...
# Thisisa sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IPforWindows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placedinthe first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP ...
ipv6 nd ra boot-file-url url-string 缺省情况下,RA消息中不携带下载Boot文件的URL地址。 (8) 设置被管理地址配置标志位为1。 ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag 缺省情况下,被管理地址标志位为0,即主机通过无状态自动配置获取IPv6地址。 (9) 设置其他配置标志位为1。 ipv6 nd autoconfig other-fl...
Resolving names to IPv6 addresses is supported if either the local Hosts file (stored in systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc) contains entries for IPv6 addresses or the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure contains resource records for IPv6 addresses. RFC 1886 describes enhancements to DNS for IP...
Resolving names to IPv6 addresses is supported if either the local Hosts file (stored in systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc) contains entries for IPv6 addresses or the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure contains resource records for IPv6 addresses. RFC 1886 describes enhancements to DNS for IP...
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. ...
update_hosts.py usage: update_hosts [OPTIONS] FILE A simple multi-threading tool used for updating hosts file. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s DNS set another dns server, default: 2001:4860:4860::8844 -o OUT_FILE output file, default: inputfilename.out -t QUE...
Resolving names to IPv6 addresses is supported if either the local Hosts file (stored in systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc) contains entries for IPv6 addresses or the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure contains resource records for IPv6 addresses. RFC 1886 describes enhancements to DNS for IP...