eRouterVlan10 down down Unassigned -- --表1-4 display ipv6 interface brief命令显示信息描述表字段 描述 *down: administratively down 接口处于管理down状态,即采用shutdown命令关闭了该接口 (s): spoofing 接口的欺骗属性,即接口的链路协议状态显示是up的,但实际可能没有对应的链路,或者所对应的链路不...
eRouterVlan10 down down Unassigned -- --表1-4 display ipv6 interface brief命令显示信息描述表字段 描述 *down: administratively down 接口处于管理down状态,即采用shutdown命令关闭了该接口 (s): spoofing 接口的欺骗属性,即接口的链路协议状态显示是up的,但实际可能没有对应的链路,或者所对应的链路不...
携带的所有选项的长度字段值大于0。 路由器宣告(RA)消息中包含Router Lifetime字段,指示路由器的有效期,当收到此字段值为0的RA时,主机从默认路由器列表中删除该路由器。 主机会针对默认路由器的地址进行邻居发现来解析其MAC地址。 邻居发现的过程 邻居发现主要有3种用途: 地址解析; 可达性探测; 重复地址检测(DAD...
= Validate Reverse Path: False Message Type: MPLS Echo Reply (2) Reply Mode: Reply via an IPv4/IPv6 UDP packet (2) Return Code: Replying router is an egress for the FEC at stack depth RSC (3) Return Subcode: 1 Sender's Handle: 0x005c0018 Sequence Number: 1 Timestamp Sent: Jan ...
Router advert 接收到的RA报文总数 Neighbor solicit 接收到的NS报文总数 Neighbor advert 接收到的NA报文总数 Redirected 接收重定向ICMPv6消息报文总数 Rate limited 因ICMPv6错误处理速率限制而未接收的报文总数 display ipv6 address-policy 命令功能 display ipv6 address-policy命令用来查看地址选择策略表项信息...
Router(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing By default, IPv6 traffic forwarding is disabled, so using this command enables it. Also, as you’ve probably guessed, IPv6 isn’t enabled by default on any interfaces either, so we have to go to each interface individually and enable it. There are a...
9.2.7 修改为NodePort [root@k8s-master01 yaml]# kubectl edit svc -n kube-system hubble-ui service/hubble-ui edited [root@k8s-master01 yaml]# [root@k8s-master01 yaml]# kubectl edit svc -n cilium-monitoring grafana service/grafana edited [root@k8s-master01 yaml]# [root@k8s-master01 yaml...
ipv6 address 2001:ABCD::1/64! Prefix length defined as /64 on the Router. end ICMPv6 RA数据包捕获: Frame 187: 118 bytes on wire (944 bits), 118 bytes captured (944 bits) on interface 0 Ethernet II, Src: ca:01:b9:f0:00:08 (ca:01:b9:f0:00:08), Dst: IPv6mcast_...
netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" routerdiscovery=disabled 找不到元素。 netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" discovery=enabled 'discovery' 不是这个指令的有效参数。此命令提供的语法不正确。 netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" discover...
To disable receiving RAs on a Windows host, you can use the followingnetsh commandusing the interface number: netsh interface ipv6 set interface “Local Area Connection” routerdiscovery=disabled Alternatively, you can check the settings of the interface using a command like this: ...