一整体图片 1.PC0网关和IPv6地址设置 1.1网关设置 1.2IPv6设置 2.Router0接口设置 Router>en Router>en Router#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing Router... 查看原文
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command. ...
Stateful Autoconfiguration is the IPv6 equivalent of DHCP of IPv4. A new protocol, called DHCPv6 is used to provide the addressing and service information similar to DHCP in IPv4. This is called “Stateful” because both DHCP server and the client maintain state information to keep addresses fro...
IPV6配置 IPV6实验报告一、实验目的 在路由器接口上配置IPv6地址,配置RIP路由,实现全网互通二、实验拓扑 三、 实验步骤路由器R1的配置如下: Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Rout 职场 休闲 原创 guofuqiangboy 2009-03-27 22:22:49 822阅读 ...
Building configuration... Current configuration : 154 bytes ! interface FastEthernet0/0 mac-address a0aa.aaaa.aaaa no ip address duplex half ipv6 address dhcp ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local ipv6 enable end why R1`s F0/0 is sending DHCP solicit message if he didn`t received any M-flag...
ACL to block Telnet on cisco Router: cisco packet tracer lab DHCP Server configuration with ip helper address setup on Router Block icmp or ping using extended acl : a cisco packet tracer lab This way you can a tech job and then eventually can move into a cybersecurity role ...
ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2301:de:CAFE::3 no shut ! interface Ethernet1/1 mac-address 0000.1111.0001 no ip address duplex full ipv6 address autoconfig default no shut ! end ! R2--- conf t ! ipv6 unicast-routing ! interface Ethernet1/0 mac-address 0000.2222.0000 ipv6 address 2222::...
4.IPv6加入了对自动配置(Auto Configuration)的支持。这是对DHCP协议的改进和扩展,使得网络(尤其是局域网)的管理更加方便和快捷。 5.IPv6具有更高的安全性。在使用IPv6网络中用户可以对网络层的数据进行加密并对IP报文进行校验,在IPV6中的加密与鉴别选项提供了分组的保密性与完整性。极大的增强了网络的安全性。
校园网同时接入电信网和教育网,访问教育网时数度较慢,本文分析了电信网和教育网的IP地址分配情况和路由器的路由配置,提出了解决方案,设计了一种IP地址聚合的算法,并用C++实现了该算法,对电信网、教育网所分配的地址进行了分析。 网上关于教育网的网段数据要么是不全,要么就是记录数目太多,可通过路由归纳减少网段记...