IPv6地址中的64位接口标识符(Interface ID)用来标识链路上的唯一接口。这个地址是从接口的链路层地址(如MAC地址)变化而来的。IPv6地址中的接口标识符是64位,而MAC地址是48位,因此需要在MAC地址的中间位置插入十六进制数。然后将U/L位(从高位开始的第7位)设置为“1”,这样就得到了EUI-64格式的接口ID。 如果接...
The IEEE EUI-64 address represents a new standard for network interface addressing. The company ID is still 24-bits in length, but the extension ID is 40 bits, creating a much larger address space for a network adapter manufacturer. The EUI-64 address uses the U/L and I/G bits in the...
在使用SLAAC时,IPv6地址的后64位被称为接口标识符,也被简称为IID(Interface Identifier),由主机自己生成。 标准文档中介绍的生成接口ID的算法一般是根据48位的MAC地址来生成IEEE EUI-64标识。Windows系统出于安全考虑等因素,使用了随机的接口ID。这同时也是后续标准文档中推荐的做法。 生成接口标识符的方式有很多,包括...
The IEEE EUI-64 address represents a new standard for network interface addressing. The company ID is still 24-bits in length, but the extension ID is 40 bits, creating a much larger address space for a network adapter manufacturer. The EUI-64 address uses the U/L and I/G bits in the...
ipv6 neighboripv6-addressmac-addressvnivni-idsource-ipsource-ippeer-ippeer-ip-address 只能在静态VXLAN隧道侧配置静态IPv6邻居。 配置二层子接口的静态IPv6邻居。 如果当前三层网关设备上存在二层子接口作为业务接入点,则可以配置该二层子接口的静态IPv6邻居,配置时需指定参数interface-typeinterface-number为二层...
To create an EUI-64 address from an IEEE 802 address, 16 bits of 11111111 11111110 (0xFFFE) are inserted into the IEEE 802 address between the company ID and the extension ID. The following illustration shows this change.Mapping EUI-64 addresses to IPv6 interface identifiers...
全球单播地址由全球路由前缀(Global routing prefix)、子网ID(Subnet ID)和接口标识(Interface ID)组成。全球路由前缀,由提供商指定给一个组织机构,通常全球路由前缀至少为48位。目前已经分配的全球路由前缀的前3bit均为001。子网ID,组织结构可以用子网ID来构建本地网络(site),子网id通常最多分配到第64位。子网ID和...
To create an EUI-64 address from an IEEE 802 address, 16 bits of 11111111 11111110 (0xFFFE) are inserted into the IEEE 802 address between the company ID and the extension ID. The following illustration shows this change.Mapping EUI-64 addresses to IPv6 interface identifiers...
To create an EUI-64 address from an IEEE 802 address, 16 bits of 11111111 11111110 (0xFFFE) are inserted into the IEEE 802 address between the company ID and the extension ID. The following illustration shows this change.Mapping EUI-64 addresses to IPv6 interface identifiers...
To create an EUI-64 address from an IEEE 802 address, 16 bits of 11111111 11111110 (0xFFFE) are inserted into the IEEE 802 address between the company ID and the extension ID. The following illustration shows this change.Mapping EUI-64 addresses to IPv6 interface identifiers...