* IPv4 Header*/structrte_ipv4_hdr { uint8_t version_ihl;/**< version and header length*/uint8_t type_of_service;/**< type of service*/rte_be16_t total_length;/**< length of packet*/rte_be16_t packet_id;/**< packet ID*/rte_be16_t fragment_offset;/**< fragmentation offset...
Number of bytes received in IPv4 datagrams with header errors (checksum, length, version mismatch). The value in the Length field of IPv4 header is used to update this counter Module Instance Base ...
Including the transhdrlen in length is a problem when the packet is partially filled (e.g. something like send(MSG_MORE) happened previously) when appending to an IPv4 or IPv6 packet as we don't want to repeat the transport header or account for it twice. This can happen under some ci...