I cannot find a UDP with TPROXY iptables example in redsocks's documents. "redudp" part In redsocks.conf imply redsocks is able to redirect UDP packets, but I don't know how to implement that. If possible, please provide a example of iptables in redirect UDP packets. ...
--tproxy-mark value[/mask] Marks packets with the given value/mask. The fwmark value set here can be used by advanced routing. (Required for transparent proxying to work: otherwise these packets will get forwarded, which is probably not what you want.) ...
# v2ray as example: # sudo setcap "cap_net_bind_service=+ep cap_net_admin=+ep" /usr/lib/v2ray/v2ray # # 4. this script will proxy anything running in specific cgroup # # script usage: # cgroup-tproxy.sh [--help|--config|stop] # --config=FILE # load config from file #...
--tproxy-mark value[/mask] Marks packets with the given value/mask. The fwmark value set here can be used by advanced routing. (Required for transparent proxying to work: otherwise these packets will get forwarded, which is probably not what you want.)--ttl-set value Set the TTL value ...
they have a good example : iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j TPROXY --tproxy-mark 0x1/0x1 --on-port 50080 from the manual: It redirects the packet to a local socket without changing the packet header in any way. It can also change the mark value which can ...
Linux下redsocks流量转发结合iptables流量透传出现 socket: Too many open files 和 connect: Bad file descriptor,Linux下redsocks流量转发结合iptables流量透传出现socket:Toomanyopenfiles和connect:Badfiledescriptor。
只编译部分源码; make SUBDIR=arch/ make drivers/net/pcnet32.ko:只编译pcnet32.ko模块; make dir/:只编译这个目录下的所有内核源码; 转存编译结果 make o=/path/somewhere 安装内核模块 make modules_install 安装内核 make install make clean: 清除内核编译结果; ...
第一步,安装redsocks 1. 安装依赖 yum install libevent-devel 2. 下载编译 git clone https://github.com/darkk/redsockscd redsocks make 3. 配置 将redsocks源码目录下的redsocks.conf.example复制为redsocks.conf,编辑redsocks.conf base{//debug: connection progress & client list on SIGUSR1log_debug =on...
+ quota2 quota TRACE policy u32 udp cluster tos CLASSIFY comment TPROXY RATEEST time \ + set mark MARK IDLETIMER state devgroup limit LED connlimit pkttype TCPMSS TOS esp \ + CHECKSUM socket statistic connbytes NOTRACK DSCP iprange length tcpmss mac rateest \ + helper MY_pfx_build...
iptables -w 10 -t mangle -A V2RAY -p udp -m mark --mark ${proxy_mark} -j TPROXY --on-ip --on-port ${proxy_port} } redirect_iptables() { if [ "${appid_list}" = "0" ] ; then ## redirect global network echo "Redirect TCP & UDP with Global mode." iptables ...