iptables只允许指定ip地址访问指定端口 首先,清除所有预设置 其次,设置只允许指定ip地址访问指定端口上面这两条,请注意--dport为目标端口,当数据从外部进入服务器为目标端口;反之,数据从服务器出去则为数据源端口,使用 --sport同理,-s是指定源地址,-d是指定目标地址。 然后,关闭所有的端口最后,保存当前规则 这种ip...
"iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -s -j ACCEPT"。往filter表中添加规则,不允许172.25.254.83通过ssh远程连接。这个操作是临时修改,只重启iptables服务,又会恢复最开始的样子。 也可以不加"-t"参数,即"iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -s -j ACCEPT...
[!] --source-ports,--sports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --destination-ports,--dports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --ports port[,port|,port:port]... :不区分源和目标,只要是端口就行 (3).state:状态扩展。结合ip_conntrack追踪会话的状态。 [!] --state state 其中state有如下4...
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # -A INPUT: 追加到 INPUT链 # -p tcp: 指定协议为 TCP # --dport 80: 指定目标端口为80 # -j ACCEPT: 接受数据包 阻止来自指定IP的流量 sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP # -s 指定源IP地址 允许来自...
1)仅允许内部合法的IP访问服务器 #setting access rules#one ,ip access rules,allow all the ips ofiptables-A INPUT -s -p all -j ACCEPT iptables-A INPUT -s -p all -j ACCEPT iptables-A INPUT -s -p all -j ACCEPT ...
数据包从出口出去之前,将数据包的源地址和源端口改成公网ip和随机端口 同时将转换关系记录保存,响应数据包返回时根据记录转发给局域网内的设备 SNAT示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 iptables-t nat-APOSTROUTING-d192.168.1.11-p tcp--dport88-jSNAT--to-source122.9.3.47:88#-j:值为SNAT需要静态指定修改后的值...
iptables can be configured and used in a variety of ways. The following sections will outline how to configure rules by port and IP, as well as how to block or allow addresses. Block Traffic by Port You may use a port to block all traffic coming in on a specific interface. For example...
Note: Simply adding a rule to the INPUT chain may be enough to allow remote SSH access from the WAN. However, if your router is still in NAT/Gateway mode and you wish to remap the SSH port to something less traditional on the WAN side (say port 2222), you may Insert a PREROUTING ...
Please DO NOT confuse routers with firewalls and the performance of IP masquerading. The commands that allow IP masquerading are a simple form of a firewall, however routing is a completely different function, as described previously. Setting a computer up to act as a router is completely differ...
allow related incoming iptables -I INPUT 1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT ### # programs and stuff (add a line for each service you want to allow) # SSH on local network iptables -A INPUT -s $CLASS_A -p tcp --destination-port 22 -j ACCEPT # apache server (on a...