Interpersonalpsychotherapyisatypeoffocusedtherapyfordepressionandother disordersthatfocusontheintersectionofinterpersonaldysfunctionandpsychotic symptoms.Interpersonalpsychotherapyisbasedonthetheoreticalviewthatpsychotic disordersariseinthecontextofinterpersonalrelationships.Againandagain,allparts oftreatmentaimtolinkthedevelopmentof...
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is an effective treatment for depression across the lifespan and across cultures. However, even when delivered with fidelity, some patients drop out and others do not improve sufficiently. Attention to IPT treatment attrition, dropout, nonresponse, or failure can ...
: The intervention group was lower in depressive symptoms at the end of treatment with a further decrease 6 months post intervention. There was no change in the control group. The intervention group also improved in parenting stress. Limitations : The sample size for the intervention group was ...
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) and drugs in the treatment of depression. IPT is a brief form of psychotherapy, developed specifically for treatment of depression. It is based on the theoretical writings of Meyer and Sullivan and empirical research from epidemiology and clinical investigations. The ...
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) has been shown to be an efficacious evidence-based treatment for major depression in combination with antidepressant medication, as a maintenance treatment in combination with medication, and as monotherapy (with placebo). After reviewing the salient features of IPT that...
3、and current research issuesKey Words:Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescent,Depression引 言 人际心理治疗(Interpersonal Psychotherapy IPT)是一种短程、限时和可操作性的抗抑郁心理治疗,最早起源于美国精神病学家Klerman与其同事于1984年作为成年抑郁症患者心理治疗时实施的人际治疗方法。从那时起,IPT已不断修改...
Their work clearly demonstrated the value of organizing the treatment around one or two specific areas of conflict.Cornes, CleonWestern Psychiatric Institute and ClinicSpringer USCornes, C. L. (1990). Interpersonal psychotherapy of depression (IPT). In R. Wells & V. Giannetti (Eds.), Handbook ...
摘要:Among the forms of short-term psychotherapies for the treatment of depression, IPT (16 - 20 sessions) by Klerman u. Mitarb. is meanwhile one of the most well known and clinically practiced approaches. IPT has also been carefully controlled in a variety of studies proving efficacy. ...
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for Eating Disorders is an evidence-based psychotherapy for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), and subclinical eating disorders, as well as depression. The premise of IPT for Eating Disorders is to link the onset and maintenance ...
IPT is a structured, time-limited therapy for depression. In the initial phase of the treatment the depressive symptoms are explored and psycho-education about depression is given. The interpersonal context of the patient is explored and the depressive symptoms are linked to recent interpersonal event...