Ipsy Glam Bag Ultimateis a super-upgraded version of Ipsy’s monthly glambag! The new Glam Bag Ultimate is $50 per month, and will have 12 products: 8 full-size and 4 deluxe samples, plus a makeup bag every month. Ipsy promises a value of $250+ each month. Here’s what you can ...
Ipsyis a monthlybeautyandmakeup subscription box. For $14 per month, you get five full-sized or deluxe-sized products, plus a cute makeup bag. This is one of ourtop recommendations if you are looking for asubscription box— the value and sample sizes are amazing. Just likeBirchbox, Ipsy...
这是我近一年来第三次订阅IPSY Glam Bag了。虽然不太喜欢花钱买中小样,但偶尔还是会订阅一下。这次收到的这个月份的Glam Bag还是挺满意的:💖 Youth to the People面膜中样:对这个品牌很感兴趣,自选的产品。💆♀️ Verb发膜中样:虽然平时不用发膜,但这个也不算鸡肋,还是能用到。🎨 Araceli Beauty眼...
Our review of the June 2024 Ipsy Glam Bag is here! Read on to get Becca's take on this month's delivery!
These amazing products appeared in the IPSY Glam Bag. Each month subscribers receive a gorgeous Glam Bag with 5+ products starting at $14/month.
That’s because I’m a goofball and photographed the bags without cross-checking which products go in which bags. My monthly Ipsy products come in one big box all tossed together so I never know which one belongs in the regular Glam Bag and which one is supposed to be part of the Plus...
Personalized makeup and beauty products, exclusive offers, and how-to video tutorials from our IPSY Stylists. Each month subscribers receive a gorgeous Glam Bag with 5+ products starting at $13/month. Watch and learn the best tips and tricks from our IPS
Personalized makeup and beauty products, exclusive offers, and how-to video tutorials from our IPSY Stylists. Each month subscribers receive a gorgeous Glam Bag with 5+ products starting at $13/month. Watch and learn the best tips and tricks from our IPS
The world of beauty is like a playground for your creativity. Every liquid lipstick,eyeshadow palette, and nail polish shade offers the potential for self-expression. But what if eventhe bag that holds your makeupcould make just as big of a statement? That’s where our monthly Glam Bag co...
It’s a drawstring bag featuring leaf prints on a pink background! Also, the package includes a card with a QR code that leads you to this month’s theme. Here’s a closer look: Ipsy Glambag Plus is the upgraded version of the monthly Ipsy Glambag. For $28 a month, it contains ...