Let’s enjoy the remaining weeks of summer with Ipsy Glam Bag Plus! They took us to HOTEL PARADISE for August 2022, with five full-sized products to keep us looking good and feeling pampered. From makeup to skin care, this curation is the green light we all need to take our time off...
If you subscribe to one of our Glam Bag programs then we will use the Beauty Profile information to send you Glam Bag items that fit your unique profile, alerts about IPSY products, services, and other beauty news that might interest you. At the end of the beauty quiz, in order to ...
在2019年,IPSY就实现了5亿美元年营收,估值突破20亿。2020 年,Ipsy收购同为订阅式美妆盒子的品牌 BoxyCharm,并成立了新公司 BFA (Beauty For All) Industries,后续以 BFA 的名义收购、孵化新品牌。此次和BoxyChar合并运营后,Ipsy 将提供四种订阅选项:Glam Bag 小样订阅、BoxyCharm by Ipsy 正装订阅、名人策划...
2020 年,Ipsy收购同为订阅式美妆盒子的品牌 BoxyCharm,并成立了新公司 BFA (Beauty For All) Industries,后续以 BFA 的名义收购、孵化新品牌。此次和BoxyChar合并运营后,Ipsy 将提供四种订阅选项:Glam Bag 小样订阅、BoxyCharm by Ipsy 正装订阅、名人策划的季度订阅 Icon Box、以及名为 Refreshments 的可持续个人护...
Join IPSY Today All Skincare Anti-Aging Acne Skin Videos skin Skincare Routine Order 101: Your Official Guide To Applying Products Published on June 30, 2021 skin Your Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Skin Type Once and For All Published on August 23, 2022 ...
IPSY开箱:值吗? 这个月,IPSY的蓝色渐变布袋子让我有些小失望。相比隔壁12美元的童年回忆透明笔袋(Glam bag),这个25美元的包看起来并没有那么划算。自从我订阅了IPSY,我就一直在想,为什么12美元的袋子材质会比25美元的要好?后来我想通了,可能是因为如果全部都是Deluxe size的产品,大家可能不会买,但有了这个稍微...
Yensa will launch with more than 500,000 samples in Ipsy's October Glam Bag. By Faye Brookman Oct 5, 2018, 3:15pm Beauty Beauty Features Ipsy’s Jennifer Goldfarb Steps Down, Fernando Madeira Named President Goldfarb will stay on as executive chairwoman. By Ellen Thomas Jul 18, ...
You are about to download theIPSY 3.24.3 for iPhone and iPad (iOS 11.2 or Later): IPSY is a free Shopping App: IPSY: Personalized Beauty, Glam Bag, BoxyCharm, & More... Shopping > IPSY: Personalized Beauty Requires iOS: 11.2 and up ...
Glam Bag X(55 美元/季度)– Glam Bag X 是仅限会员升级的产品,其中包括由美女名人亲自策划的七到八件全尺寸产品。 Glam Bag X 在 XNUMX 月、XNUMX 月、XNUMX 月和 XNUMX 月寄出,并在这几个月里取代了通常的手袋。 商城 Ipsy 还经营自己的电子商务商店,批发购买产品,然后转售以获取利润。
There are “10s of thousands” of Ipsy Glam Bag combinations, Camberos said. “We’re putting them all together in the warehouse and shipping them to you. That whole infrastructure, that’s where others who tried this, for example Sephora … one of the reasons they struggled is to...