GRE tunnel是⽤于解决IPv6⽅案的⼀种,GRE通过通过重封装实现不同协议的通信。但是GRE没有安全加密的特性,需要ipsec的帮助。iipsec vpn的tunnel mode与gre over ipsec的区别 psec tunnel mode是通过ipsec的加密技术对数据进⾏的隧道⽅式再封装,是在原有的ip数据包外⾯再加⼀层封装。⽽后者是ipsec...
GRE 最好在受信任的网络路径上使用,因为数据包未加密,但如果需要加密,它可以与IPsec隧道结合使用。 GRE 标头被添加到正在转发的数据包中,外部和内部报头通常是 IP 报头,但也可能是其他第 3 层协议。 GRE 标头的长度可以在 4 字节到 16 字节之间,具体取决于启用的选项,默认为 4 字节。在 IP 上使用时,最小...
配置IPSec Tunnel接口,将IPSec Tunnel的源接口配置为GRE Tunnel接口;且IPSec Tunnel的目的地址的路由必须从GRE Tunnel接口出去。 在IPSec Tunnel接口上应用安全框架,使接口具有IPSec的保护功能。 配置IPSec Tunnel接口的转发路由,将需要IPSec保护的数据流引到IPSec Tunnel接口。 操作步骤 分别在Router_1和Router_2上配置物...
add allow-fast-path=no name=gre-tunnel-R2 remote-address= 在Interface菜单里创建GRE Tunnel接口 只需要修改三个地址:Name 给接口取个名子,Remote Address远端的公网IP,使用IPsec Secret加密码 给GRE接口设置一个IP地址 /ip address add address= interface=gre-tunnel-R2 network=100.1....
The GRE tunnel is also protected by IPSec while it is set up.GRE over IPSec supports encapsulation in both tunnel and transport modes. The tunnel mode uses an extra IPSec header, which increases the packet size and makes packets more likely to be fragmented. Therefore, the transport mode is...
首先参考上次的配置过程,完成GRE over IPv6隧道的配置。 VSR1 #interface GigabitEthernet1/0 ip address GigabitEthernet2/0 ipv6 address 1002::1/64#interface Tunnel1 mode gre ipv6 ip address source 1002::1 destination 2003::3#ipv6 route-...
Note:I realize there are multiple ways to approach this GRE/IPSec tunnel scheme, but I am trying to get this particular set up to work. Here are my configs: Header 1 West Router !! Last configuration change at 18:37:18 UTC Tue Feb 24 2015upgrade fpd autoversion 15.1service timestamps...
一、目标 内网Cisco路由器与云端H3C路由器建立GRE over IPsec,最终实现Tunnel接口互通; 为内网与云端运行动态路由协议(RIP、OSPF、ISIS、B...
Here we'll compare IPSec Tunnel Vs Transport Mode and also provide a Step-by-Step configuration tutorial using Cisco devices (commands and verification).
flow over the IPSEC/GRE tunnel. We would like also to do all this with dynamic routing. We do BGP peering with our MPLS provider on the 01 routers in each site. When then redistribute those routes into EIGRP. The routers called fake FW are just that. I have had a hard time to get...