Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals 正在开发一种由 iPSC 衍生的 胰腺 β 细胞制成的糖尿病药物。 Aspen Neuroscience 正在将干细胞生物学和基因组学相结合,为帕金森病提供世界上第一个自体诱导多能干细胞 (iPSC) 衍生的神经元替代疗法。 艾利治疗公司 和 I Peace, Inc. 、 正在合作推进 iPSC 衍生的心力衰竭...
Innovative Project Solutions, Inc (IPS) is a privately-held Disabled Veteran and Minority firm for engineering, project management, and construction.
Innovative Project Solutions, Inc (IPS) is a privately-held Disabled Veteran and Minority firm for engineering, project management, and construction.
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用抗c5 moab连续治疗6 个月导致肾小球肾炎病程的显著改善。阻止人补体组分c5切割成其促炎组分的人源化抗c5 moab单克隆抗体(5g1.1),作为用于肾小球肾炎的潜在治疗,处于通过alexion pharmaceuticals,inc.,new haven,connecticut的开发中。[0334]通过具有特异性补体组分的遗传缺陷的患者的研究提供了关于补体在肾损伤中的...
energy and utilities, financial services, lottery and gaming, travel and tourism and also health and pharmaceuticals. The Opinion & Social Research conducts research on public policy issues and on the attitudes and behaviors of citizens and consumers. The Client & Employee Relationship Management is ...
Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Dartmouth, Massachusetts The Cardinal Group was awarded the project based on an integrated delivery approach, with IPS as the Engineer of Record. Their combined technical expertise and experience is critical to the success of this aggressive schedule-driven project. ...
Allele is the first cGMP-grade iPSC provider in the US Robust technology:Using a proprietary patented mRNA system, we generate iPSCs that are footprint-free, feeder-free, and xeno-free-—with no risk of genomic integration and no vector cleanup phase. ...
Suppliers: Asahi Kasei Bioprocess America, Inc.; Glatt Air Techniques, Inc.; GEA North America; L.B. Bohle LLC; Pall Biotech Critical Utilities - The Lifeblood of Your Facility The Critical Utilities Technologies Tour focuses on the state of the industry as it pertains to pharmace...
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. Compare Similar to IPSEF SymbolLast PriceChange JAZZJazz Pharmaceuticals plc 143.53 Post. 138.04 0.18% -3.82% RDYDr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited 12.78 Post. 12.78 -1.31% 0.00% VTRSViatris Inc. 9.23