iProov.me enables effortless, secure, ticketless travel on Eurostar. Before you travel, iProov.me enables you to carry out an effortless, secure remote verification of your identity that links your passport, your face and your ticket together. This enables you to use your face as your ticket...
London-based iProov is developing an innovative facial recognition system for the high-speed Eurostar train service that runs through the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France.doi:10.1016/S0969-4765(20)30088-6Biometric Technology Today
两家初创公司,bloomd 和 bkynd,采用 iProov 提供的免费冠状病毒解决方案技术。 与欧洲之星(Eurostar)和爱沙尼亚政府的合作项目成为头条新闻。 推出适用于 Kiosk 的 iProov 和 iProov Web。 合作伙伴网络不断扩大。 iProov 超过了 60 名员工大关。 2021 年上半年,iProov 报告称,与去年同期相比,使用其技术进行...
iProov.me enables effortless, secure, ticketless travel on Eurostar. Before you travel, iProov.me enables you to carry out an effortless, secure remote verifi…