摘要: We show that, in markets with indivisibilties (typified by the Shapley-Scarf housing market), the strict core mechanism is categorically determined by three assumptions: individual rationality, Pareto optimality and strategy-proofness.关键词: Shapley-Scarf Housing Market strict core mechanism ...
"Strategy-Proofness and the Strict Core in a Market with In- divisibilities," International Journal of Game Theory, 23: 75-83.Ma, J. (1994): "Strategy proofness and the strict core in a market with indivisibilities," International Journal of Game Theory 23, 75-83....
Organosilicon nano-capsules, used as lacquer or scratch-proof coating composition, consist of nano-core containing main group II-VI, sub-group I-VIII and/or lanthanide metal(loid) (mixed) oxide, and an organosilicon shellPolymerizable organosilicon nano-capsules (IA) consist of: (A) a nano-...
In this short paper,we show the equivalence between weak context bisimulation and strong bisimulation for the linear HOcore.Then as a corollary,we get a complete proof system of weak context bisimulation over the linear HOcore.doi:ConferenceArticle/5af30c26c095d70f18adb9b8Zining...
We provide a proof of Jacobson's theorem on derivations of primitive rings with nonzero socle. Both Jacobson's theorem and its formulation (in terms of the so- called differential operators on left vector spaces over a division ring) underlie our paper. We apply Jacobson's theorem to ...
proof of two conjectures of brenti and simion on kazhdan 1usztig po1ynomia1sWe find an explicit formula for the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials Pui,a,vi of the symmetric group S(n) where, for a, i, n ∈ N such that 1 ≤ a ≤ i ≤ n, we denote by ui,a = sa sa+1 * * * ...
i. Introduction. This paper does not contain new results; its aim is to give a new and comparatively short proof of the following theorem: the set of all palindromes can be recognized in real time by a multitape Turing machine. The first proof of this theorem was published by the author...
metric compactness criteria invo1ving sequences of mappings and a proof of the asco1i arze1 a theorem with the use of bemstein po1ynomia1sWe establish inter alia a compactness criterion in metric spaces involving a sequence of completely continuous mappings, which is contin- uously convergent,...
Proofreaders addressed ethical difficulties by means of two macrostrategies: (i) selective proofreading; and (ii) declining to proofread in part or in whole. Two additional findings relating to ethics emerged from the study: firstly, some informants experienced dilemmas and uncertainties despite ...
Using Mittag-Leffler expansion a novel proof of Ramanujan's famous formula for 味 (2m - 1) is presented. Here, the formula can be derived by Taylor series of a gen- erating function and its Mittag-Leffler expansion. Furthermore, generalized formulas for the fast-converging series of Plouffe...