1 插入ipod shuffle,打开itunes,看右上角 2 进入ipod 3 将“用作磁盘”前打上勾,就能在window下看到ipod shuffle 4 同步音乐:由于ipod shuffle没有屏幕,所以可以创建多个播放列表到时候就可以自由切换,寻找歌曲的时候就比较方便 5 同步播客:同样可以选择,其实可以以播放列表的形式筛选播客 6 应用 启用VoiceO...
iPod shuffle 4是最新版的shuffle MP3播放器。苹果iPod shuffle是最轻巧,最适合佩戴的iPod MP3,新一代iPod shuffle 4已于2008年9月发布。iPod shuffle四代和之前的iPod shuffle外观上没有任何变化,只是在颜色上增加了蓝色、红色、绿色、粉红四种颜色。机身上附有夹子,夹在任何地方都很适合,包括袖口、...
ipod shuffle(4th Generation)iTunes 方法/步骤 1 iPod shuffle 按键中间为暂停和播放,“+、-”为音量调节,左右短按的为上一首、下一首,长按为快进、退。2 VoiceOver 功能① 播报歌手及歌名 按一下聆听现正播放的歌名及歌手②多个播放列表 持续按着按钮,即可聆听播放列表选单③电池状态 连续按两下...
13年3月15日激活的机器 序列号:CC4K2CDZF4T0 设备名称:iPod shuffle (4th generation late 2012)激活状态:已激活(2013年03月15日)电话支持:已过期 硬件保修:未过期(2014年03月14日)生产日期:2013年01月08日 - 2013年01月14日 生产工厂:中国 [提示]设置-通用-关于本机 可察看型号。
Apple's new fourth-generation iPod shuffle is a marriage of the last two generations, bringing back physical buttons to the company's smallest media player. The newiPod shufflewill sell for just $49 and comes in five different colors. Like the previous generations, it has a clip so it can...
4 years ago 1109 3 How can I turn off Shuffle on my iPod Touch 6th Generation ( running iOS 12.5.6) How can I turn off Shuffle on my iPod Touch 6th Generation ( running iOS 12.5.6). Neither of my ‘Play’ or ‘Shuffle’ icons are highlighted. No matter what I do, it randomly...
Also see: What are the differences between the iPod shuffle 4th Generation and the earlier iPod shuffle 2nd Generation and 3rd Generation? Despite the age of this device, site sponsor OWC has inexpensive, compatible headphones and some upgrades and parts for vintage iPods while supplies last....
iPod Shuffle 4th Gen not syncing and won't restore My iPod Shuffle 4th generation will not 1) Sync to Music 2) will not restore. Tried with 2 Shuffles, same problem Tried with Music on macOS 12.2.1 Tried with iTunes on macOS 10.136 So, I'm not alone as there have been...
iPod一共有 5 个系列:iPod classic、iPod mini、iPod nano、iPod shuffle、iPod touch。本文会一一带大家回顾(先码后答)。 第一代iPod的故事 The Original (1st Generation) iPod 2001 年 10 月 23 日,史蒂夫乔布斯宣布苹果公司正在进军音乐领域,当时911刚刚过去,参加发布会的记者也不多,发布会只安排在一个小...