初代 iPod shuffle 是史上最便宜的 iPod。它没有电子屏幕,只有一个滑轮控制器可以进行控制。并且它有一根绳子,可以用来吊在脖子上。iPod Shuffle (3rd-gen), 2009 via: APPLE 第三代 iPod 应该是最容易忘记的产品了。设计的十分光滑,但是并没有物理控制键,你必须使用耳塞上的内联遥控进行控制。这一设计相比...
Case Type: Handheld Form Factor: iPod shuffle 2nd Gen Housing Color: Silver Controller: Button* Details: The iPod shuffle (2G) uses a silver aluminum case without a "ClickWheel". Built-in Display: None Display Resolution: N/A Details: The iPod shuffle (2nd Gen) does not have an integrate...
在奇怪的第三代Shuffle之后,四代Shuffle又把按鍵加回来了,它的设计更为小巧,可夹在衣服上。 这款设备仍然在售卖中。 iPod nano (6th Generation) [2010] 苹果在六代 iPod nano上做了大动作,把Click Wheel和大屏幕舍弃,与四代Shuffle的设计类似,但又一块小屏幕。很多人不喜欢这样的设计,也有些人把它配上表带,...
Apple ipod Shuffle 2nd gen sagar Sc February 26th, 2018 3D model of apple ipod shuffle 2nd gen. 185Downloads15Likes2Comments Details Uploaded:February 26th, 2018 Software:SOLIDWORKS,Rendering,KeyShot Categories:3D printing,Computer,Tech Tags:tech,technology,music,gen,2nd,ipod,apple,modle,3d ...
iPod Shuffle 2nd Gen! Get up to$1.00! Share Post Facebook Email Selling 25+ devices? Use ourSellCell for Businessservice MINTGOODPOORFAULTY CAPACITY 1GB2GB CONDITION? MINTGOODPOORFAULTY SHOW PRICES Loading... Apple iPod Shuffle 2nd Gen Trade In Prices ...
说明书apple官方上有 其实没必要啦 简易使用指南已经够用了 shuffle2就那么几个键 用得着学吗?
直接复制进去是不行的,下载地址:www.apple.com.cn/itunes/download 先将歌曲导入iTunes的资料库,然后你插上iPod,和iTunes同步就能将歌曲导入iPod,你就能听了 另外你可以参考这个说明书:(复制所有链接)http://manuals.info.apple.com/ch/iPod_shuffle_(2nd_gen)_Features_Guide.pdf ...
the iPhone and has a lot of iPhone features and apps in a bundle: Safari web browser, YouTube, calendar, contacts, clock, calculator, email, stocks, notes and weather as well as telltale iPod features: Genius playlists maker and a shake-to- “shuffle” function plus Nike+ Kit support. ...
Apple surprised more than a few industry pundits when it snuck out a rainbow of iPod shuffle colors at the end of January. Ever since it first hit the streets in 2005, the shuffle has been seen as the runt of the litter in Apple's music player line, a c
iPod nano (6th gen), 2010 Via: KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/GETTY IMAGES 与前几代相比,第六代 iPod nano 算是有很大的革新。它放弃了滚轮和宽屏(支持视频),支持方形触屏,与 iPod shuffle 的设计类似。有许多的人不喜欢在设计上的退化,但是它却是 Apple Watch 的先行者。