我有IPOD NANO 中文说明书 PDF格式的 要的话留你邮箱 发你
先下载你喜欢的视频到电脑,然后你还得下载一个视频转换器,知道里面艘一下吧,很多的 然后把你的那个视频导入到转换器里进行转换,就转换成mp4格式,这个最保险。转换好后把你的这个视频拖到itunes资料库的电影里。然后同步就好了
The iPod nano doesn't come with a manual, but you can get one. Here's where to find these downloadable manuals for every iPod nano model.
iTunes的用法很简单,你就把iTunes当成mp4,然后文件→添加文件到资料库→选中你要放进去的歌→确定。然后歌就到iTunes里了、歌一般都在最近添加这个播放列表里的、你可以移动一下位置。反正你希望你的mp4咋样,就在iTunes里全弄好、最后——+,插上你的iPod。自动同步退出。然后你的iPod里就和i... "Remove a song or other item from iPod shuffle: Connect iPod shuffl e to your computer. In iTunes, select iPod shuffle in the list of devices. In iTunes, click the device button to select iPod...
在iTunes Store中找到App Store,进入后把滚动条拉到最下方,可以看到Top free Apps,点进去都是免费的程序,并且已经按照关注程度进行了排列。电子书需要安装相关软件,我推荐stanza,这个软件可以设置网络书库,也可以与你电脑上的stanza软件进行同步。iTunes Store里的电子书一般要掏钱的,而且是英文。游...
ˎˎiPad, iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPod touch y Retina son marcas comerciales de Apple Inc., registradas en los Estados Unidos y otros países. iPad Air, y iPad mini son marcas comerciales de Apple Inc. ˎˎ"Made for iPod", "Made for iPhone" y "Made for iPad"...
and works with any earphones you might have. Unlike the nano, there’s no Hold switch on the bottom; instead, iPod touch has a black Sleep/Wake button on its top left side, similar to the one on the top right side of the iPhone, which also serves as a power on button. Finally, ...