自2018年改革以来,截至2021年12月31日,香港共迎来653家新股上市,IPO募资13,279.52亿港元(约1,702.50亿美元,汇率以7.8000计,下同)。其中募资额超过10亿美元(约78亿港元)的超大型IPO共37宗,募资7,755.57亿港元(约994.30亿美元)。 从IPO数量看,超大型IPO数量占新股上市数量的5.7%,但却占到全部募资额的58.4%。
This list is just the tip of the iceberg. We have included a more comprehensive checklist in Annex A. The IPO Timeline Our initial focus in this guide is on the IPO process — how to get public. It's important to understand the "how to" aspects of going public so that you know ...
2018年度至2021年1-6月,熵基科技股份有限公司(下称“熵基科技”)经销模式销售收入分别为115,485.55万元、121,448.77万元、116,658.72万元和58,915.16万元,占当期主营业务收入比重分别为69.88%、69.49%、64.86%和64.14%,为熵基科技主要的销售模式。 有鉴于此,深圳交易所在第一轮问询中,专门就经销和返利两个方面,要求...
Ant Group was scheduled to list in Shanghai and Hong Kong on November 5, 2020 and raise more than $34 billion through its record-breaking IPO. The blockbuster offering was suddenly halted prior to the dual listing. The Alibaba affiliate had carried out rectifications on its key businesses in...
Third, several popular press outlets such as Wall Street Journal provide investors with an IPO calendar in which there is a list of all firms that are expected to complete an IPO in the present or coming week. Accordingly, IPO investors are likely to examine the press accounts of firms ...
2021年,是港交所上市新规改革三周年,亦是 生物科技 与新经济公司密集赴港IPO的资本元年。港交所2018年推出上市新规,允许未有收入的 生物科技 公司、采用不同投票权架构的新经济公司及合资格的海外上市公司来港第二上市。这次改革是香港20多年来最重大的一次上市机制改革
More from Advisor Insight: Prepare your heirs for the $68 trillion ‘great wealth transfer’ Why some advisors are moving to shield the elderly from fraud Has your broker or advisor landed on FINRA’s ‘bad guy’ list? Rodgers, who worked on the recent direct listing of music-streaming serv...
Ximalaya files for its Hong Kong IPO on Sep 13 after dropping its plans to list in the United States, which was reported in May. Currently, the company is targeting a larger amount than the USD 500 mn they had planned to raise in a US IPO, according to the sources. ...
To avoid these requirements, most Internet companies in China choose to list in foreign equity markets. For example, Alibaba is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, while Tencent is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Another concern arises from the nontransparent, slow, and unpredictable...
NVIDIA has originally planned to purchase Arm for $40 billion. However, the regulators from UK and EU have been blocking the deal from happening on the terms that it would hurt competition and block innovation. What is next for Arm Ltd. is to go public and list itself on one of the ...