With the IPO’s price band set at Rs 60.00, this suggests an estimated listing price of Rs 69 for ESAF Small Finance Bank’s shares, which is calculated by adding the cap price to today’s GMP.This translates to an expected percentage gain/loss per share of 15.00%. The GMP is a ...
- GMP of IPO IPO Information • Stay ahead of the curve with upcoming IPOs in India. Access vital financial information for companies and analyze subscription statuses for both BSE and NSE categories. Get accurate prediction updates on IPO stocks, compare performance with peer companies, and view...
Answer– Here is the information on promoter of this company – TRUE NORTH FUND V LLP AND AETHER (MAURITIUS) LIMITED. You can refer to the RHP for further information on the promoter. You will find the link to RHP in the article. Ques – What is GMP of Home First Finance IPO? Answer...